
196 results about this entity

Period: 12 Oct 2004 - 17 Apr 2024

The future of payments

David Yates, CEO of Vocalink looks at payments, the rise of startups, the future of ACHs and the promise of blockchain technology prior to Money 20/20 in Las Vegas.

Mobile payment network Zapp wins big-ticket retailer support

VocaLink-backed mobile payment venture Zapp claims to have won the the largest coalition of retailer support for a new payment method ever announced in the UK, as leading brands representing a customer base of some 35 million people sign up ahead of a projected 2015 launch.

Making the most of faster payments

Chris Dunne, payment services director, VocaLink explains the findings of a new Finextra report and survey on faster payments and the future of the payments landscape.

Challenger banks bring payments into perspective

Easier access to payments services, the need for a KYC utility and the inevitability of account number portability are among the key themes to emerge from a Finextra survey into the evolving UK payments landscape.

Meet the ZappHackers

Mark Mikkelson from Coinbench, Vivek Vashisht of Intelligent Environments and Sage Pay's Rik Blacow talk about the products they built at this year's ZappHack hackathon.

Sage Pay wins ZappHack with location-aware ticketing app

After 36 gruelling hours of coding, designing and testing, Sage Pay's three-person team has emerged victorious at the ZappHack Revive Retail hackathon in London this week.

Zapp looks to 'revive retail' through two-day hackathon

Finextra is working with VocaLink-backed mobile payment startup Zapp to seek out new ways to re-invent the retail experience at a two-day hackathon in London.

How payments markets are responding to change

Chris Dunne, payment services director at VocaLink, discusses what's new in this year's 'Changing Face of Payments Report', what's driving change and offers his own view on the findings.

The global emergence of real-time payments

Marc Terry, managing director, commercial services, VocaLink discusses the global market for real time payments, the lessons learnt from the Singapore experience and the future of the industry.

Singapore taps VocaLink for faster payments

Singapore has gone live with a real-time national payments system built by VocaLink and based on the UK's Faster Payments.

Zapp confident of signing more banks but no word on retail partners

UK mobile commerce outfit Zapp says it is hopeful of bringing more major banks onboard ahead of its launch later this year but has still not gone public with any retail partners.

UK banks gear up for launch of Paym P2P mobile payments service

The person-to-person mobile payments service being prepped by Britain's banks for a launch later this year has been christened Paym.