CGI Inc.

115 results about this entity

Period: 12 Oct 2004 - 10 Sep 2024

Opportunity for banks to link delivery vs payment

Jerry Norton, Vice President, UK Banking, CGI, discusses the potential impact on banks of the movement towards real-time payments but also on the consumer and how digital currencies will influence payment market infrastructures.

Digital will transform the banking model

Penny Hembrow, Global Lead, Financial Services at CGI, discusses key trends that retail banks are talking about, such as the huge impact of the digital consumer on banking, and how banks need to update their IT capabilities.

Banks need to make more of digital

Jerry Norton, Vice President Financial Services at CGI, discusses the need for infrastructure modernisation in payment structures within banks in a 24/7 internet world and the way in which banks utilise customer data.

It's critical for banks to innovate

Penny Hembrow, Global Lead, Financial Services at CGI, speaks about the Financial Services Consumer Survey and its results drawn from interviews with 1452 consumers. She outlines the key findings surrounding concerns about security of data, rewards, and personalised services and the significance for the banks.

CGI signs 10-year outsourcing agreement with Northern Savings CU

CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB) and Northern Savings Credit Union have entered into a 10-year agreement for the outsourcing of core banking services.

CGI wins $420 million contract extensions with National Bank of Canada

CGI (GIB-A.TO) (GIB) announced today that its IT services agreement with National Bank of Canada has been extended to 2025.

Are banks focusing on the right payments projects?

Penny Hembrow, global head of banking for CGI, talks about the right actions banks can take when looking to expand their payments services and products.

Trends in the capital markets

Penny Hembrow, vice president, global head of banking at CGI, discusses trends in the capital markets industry, the use of data and the business and IT implications of these trends.

Top trends in retail banking

Penny Hembrow, vice president, global head of banking at CGI, looks at the impact of digital on the retail banking industry.

Consumer behaviour in the digital era

Penny Hembrow, vice president, global head of banking at CGI discusses the findings of a recent survey on consumer behaviour and retail banking, including advice for banks operating in a digital era.

An insight into global transaction banking

Penny Hembrow, head of banking at CGI, discusses trends in transaction banking, the business and IT implications of these trends and what the future holds.

What's driving automation and standardisation

Nasreen Quibria, executive consultant and Robert Book, payment solutions manager, CGI discuss what is driving B2B automation and standardisation and offer their advice for financial institutions.