NEX Group

158 results about this entity

Period: 21 Sep 2004 - 05 Jul 2019

NEX Group confirms approach from CME

Icap financial technology spin off NEX Group has confirmed a preliminary takeover approach by Chicago futures exchange CME.

CFETS and NEX launch next-generation trading platform for the Chinese FX market

NEX (NXG.L), a financial technology company at the centre of the global markets, announces that it has partnered with China Foreign Exchange TradeSystem (CFETS), China’s interbank market trading platform and infrastructure provider, to launch ‘CFETS FX2017’ (“FX2017”), a next-generation trading platform for the Chinese foreign exchange (FX) market.

Esma registers NEX Abide as trade repository

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU supervisor of trade repositories (TRs), has registered NEX Abide Trade Repository AB as a TR under the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR), with effect from 24 November 2017.

NEX Regulatory Reporting will apply to become an SFTR trade repository

NEX Regulatory Reporting announces today its intention to apply to become a trade repository for the Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR) and launch a dedicated reporting solution, pending the issuance of the final technical standards from ESMA.

NEX Optimisation provides central clearing connectivity for FX risk mitigation service

NEX Optimisation, which helps clients reduce complexity and optimise resources across the transaction lifecycle, announces today that it has provided central clearing connectivity for its FX risk mitigation service in non-deliverable forwards.

NEX Optimisation and Baton to create new post-trade FX channel

NEX Optimisation, which helps clients reduce complexity and optimise resources across the transaction lifecycle, announces today that Baton Systems (“Baton”), a high-speed payments infrastructure provider, has joined NEX Infinity as the first third party to provide its services through the platform.

Jenny Knott steps downs as CEO of Nex Optimisation

NEX Group plc (“NEX”) (NXG.L), a financial technology company at the centre of global markets, announces today that having put into motion the significant restructure of NEX’s post trade division ‘NEX Optimisation’, Jenny Knott has decided to step down as the division’s CEO.

NEX Markets launches NEX Quant Analytics

NEX Markets, a NEX Group business which provides electronic trading technology services in the fixed income and foreign exchange (FX) markets, announces today that it has launched NEX Quant Analytics, the FX market’s largest and most comprehensive community-based analytics tool for clients trading on the EBS platform.

NEX Optimisation readies Harmony messaging network for MIFID II

NEX Optimisation, which helps clients reduce complexity and optimise resources across the transaction lifecycle, announces today that it has enhanced its existing messaging services to help clients prepare for the 3 January 2018 MiFID II go-live.

NEX Data launches EBS FX benchmarks

NEX Data, a NEX Group business which delivers independent market intelligence and price information for OTC data, announces today the launch of the ‘EBS FX Benchmarks’, a series of 30-minute FX fixings.

Nex appoints Paul Busby as global head of sales for buy-side treasury suite

NEX Optimisation, which helps clients reduce complexity and optimise resources across the transaction lifecycle, announces today that it has appointed Paul Busby as Global Head of Sales for ENSO, its portfolio finance and centralised treasury management solution for the buy-side.

NEX Group issues trading statement

NEX Group plc (“NEX”) (NXG.L), a financial technology company at the centre of global markets, announces its trading statement for the period from 1 April 2017 to 30 June 2017 ahead of its Annual General Meeting today.