Interledger Foundation

3 results about this entity

Period: 29 May 2024 - 12 Sep 2024


Interledger Foundation brings cross-border payments to digital wallets in 130 countries

The Interledger Foundation, an organization building and advocating for an open, interoperable payment network, and Chimoney, a fintech company providing multi-currency wallets and infrastructure for cross-border payments, today announced their work to power cross-border payments between more than 130 countries worldwide.


New US-Mexico payments pathway will tap rural community banks

A new cross-border payments infrastructure will enable remittances between the US and Mexico via 140 community banks in rural areas.


Interledger Foundation foots bill for fintechs to build global interoperability network

The Interledger Foundation, an organisation dedicated to the creation of an open, interoperable payment network, is promising to fund fintechs that use its protocol to bring payments to emerging markets and underserved populations.