Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano

Security Analyst at
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Bio Security analyst, published author, television news correspondent. Deliver presentations throughout the United States, Canada and internationally on identity theft protection and personal security. Work with Fortune 1000, IT and startups. Launching, branding, messaging, representation, m&a facili Career History Appear in print, radio and televised media, on Today Show, CBS Early Show, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CNBC, E!THSi, Inside Edition, Tyra, Montel, Maury, Howard Stern, USA Today, Forbes, Cosmo, Good Housekeeping, Readers Digest, Consumer Digest, Smart Money, NY Times, NY Post, BOS Globe, LA Times, Wash Times,



AI Spoofed Sites Lead to $50 Million Investment Scams

28 Jun 2024

A long-running and large-scale internet-based fraud scheme netted around $50 million from dozens of investors over an eight-year period. The perpetrators created 150 fake sites that targeted investors. These sites would tell the investors that they had multiple investment opportunities that they should take. According to the court documents, these...

Artificial Intelligence

How and Why “Fun” AI Generated Spam On Social Media Will Manipulate the 2024 Election

31 May 2024

The primary intention behind artificial intelligence (AI) generated spam on social media appears to be financial gain through deceptive means. Facebook algorithms are suggesting users to visit, view and like pages that are 100% artificially intelligent generated photos of people, places, and things that are simply not real. The content includes to...


Artificial Intelligence and Organized Crime Sitting In a Tree…

14 May 2024

K.I.S.S.I.N.G. First came love, then came marriage, then came the baby in the baby carriage! Sucking his thumb, wetting his pants, doing the hula - hula dance! And the BABY is a Boy! The Yahoo Boys. The Yahoo Boys are a notorious group of cyber criminals operating out of West Africa, primarily Nigeria. While most scammers try to stay under the rada...


Why EVERYONE is Resistant to Engaging in Security Practices and How to Fix It

03 May 2024

It’s everyone. (It’s you too. Just read.) Security goes against our core beliefs. Security is not natural, it’s not normal, it means that we don’t trust others. However, we trust by default. Not trusting others is actually a learned behavior. Security means that you are aware that there are others out there that may choose you as their target. Tha...