Glad to know that I'm not alone. I'd anyday pay my bank and have greater trust in my bank rather than a third party aggregator to remit the money to the biller in a bill pay transaction.
HDFC Bank's PayZapp Ends My Bill Payment Woes
But nonbanks may have an advantage in that an average consumer might not be aware that monies loaded to third party wallets are uninsured.
14 Jul 2015 13:53 Read comment
Along with Kremes N Krust, Pret was the only other merchant I remember in Canary Wharf that accepted contactless cards back in 2009. Seems like Pret has maintained its lead on contactless by doing whatever it takes to accept > GBP 20 Apple Pay payments!
14 Jul 2015 12:48 Read comment
I thought the merchant never got to know the card # in the case of an Apple Pay transaction. Does TfL do a Luhn Check without the card # or for something else?
10 Jul 2015 19:52 Read comment
Coming at the problem of low adoption of T&E software from the user's side, we found in a study that employees find making T&E claims to be a huge pain. No surprises here but it's a shame that vendor's efforts to reduce pain by introducing OCR scanning and other features have not delivered the expected benefits. It's maybe time that T&E vendors realized the futility of eliminating the pain and instead tried to offset it with novel features e.g. BitCoin settlement that we recommended for one vendor. Adoption and usage of the software went up significantly - partly because of the novelty value of BTC and partly because of the temptation of receiving BTC @ current US$ rate and seeing its value potentially zoom up in future. Surprisingly, the potential of BTC to plunge in value didn't act as a dampener, maybe because most employees tend to view expense reimbursements as "funny money", if and when they bother to claim it.
07 Jul 2015 12:51 Read comment
Phew. For once, I'm not in the minority. That said, banks may need branches even more than their customers might.
Secret Of Survival Of Bank Branches
06 Jul 2015 17:34 Read comment
The way drone makers are gaining traction, I expect to see 30+ drones over my head in less than 5 years! While the privacy issue posed by drones shouldn't be taken lightly, there are many others who have trodden down this path viz. Google StreetView and smartphone-based webcam like apps. It shouldn't be too difficult for the lawmaker / drone makers to draw inspiration from these precedents and preempt / resolve any drone-created privacy issues in a speedy manner.
06 Jul 2015 09:12 Read comment
"nearly three quarters of a million pounds" in 1 year - that's, like, peanut molecules! I wonder if this or the 30K figure is right because this works out to GBP 25 per cheque, which seems very low.
03 Jul 2015 17:30 Read comment
To the above list, let me add this American Banker article that just came out:
Are Virtual Banks Just a Flash in the Pan?
Written by Kevin Tynan, Senior Vice President Marketing, Liberty Bank, Chicago, this article emphasizes that even Millennials don't treat banking as 1s and 0s.
03 Jul 2015 11:53 Read comment
@ChrisY + 1. Besides, the only area in which the Gartner report ( forecasts an increase in spend is "stronger than expected mainframe refresh"! The LOB execs might just reach the middle of the tunnel and find spanking new mainframes waiting for them on the IT side!
02 Jul 2015 15:49 Read comment
Even the froth seems to be fizzling.
Once-hot online lending companies go cold in face of skepticism
"Lending Club, ... has seen its stock fall 50% from a high of $29 per share shortly after the company went public."
02 Jul 2015 11:04 Read comment
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