AFAIK, AML was never meant to ferret out fraudsters and block electronic fund transfers directed to them. Unless KYC documents mysteriously get stamped with remarks like "Fraudster", "Scam Artist", and so on, I doubt if any amount of KYC due diligence will prevent such scams. Even then, there'll always be the first-time fraudster - or habitual fraudster masquerading as a first time fraudster under a different identity - who can't be caught. Somewhat like the best antivirus detection software still can't prevent a "zero day attack".
19 Dec 2016 08:45 Read comment
@HiteshThakkar: TY for your reply. Look forward to knowing more...
17 Dec 2016 18:59 Read comment
Nice article. Ever since I discovered ICICIdirect, e*trade and other e-trading platforms in circa 2000, I haven't spoken to a single human broker. I don't have any personal experience with private wealth management - sigh:( - but I remember reading about this British celebrity who had a bank balance of GBP 25M + and still got bad service from his bank's private wealth advisor. It's not hard to believe the predictions of the rise of robo-advisors.
17 Dec 2016 12:50 Read comment
Brilliant one. I've had countless accounts with many banks in India over the years and I never knew of this HUF type of account. Yet another reminder that banks can learn a few things from tech marketing, which creates buzz today for features that will be launched next year!
Any idea if HUF is available for non-Hindu families, who also can obviously have the same need?
17 Dec 2016 11:27 Read comment
Payee confirmation was the first of my Five Ways to Stimulate Electronic Payments. When I was involved in the implementation of FPS for a Top 5 UK bank, I was told that this feature can't be supported because it would be tantamount to one bank coming to know another bank's customer information.
Not sure whether this is a genuine interpretation of customer confidentiality laws in UK or yet another cock-and-bull story told by banks to justify status quo instead of taking steps to improve CX.
16 Dec 2016 18:01 Read comment
I had a torrid time linking just one Aadhaar # to a bank account.
Linking Aadhaar Number To Bank Account
Good luck linking multiple #s!
15 Dec 2016 18:04 Read comment
TY for your clarification. I assumed sequential meant incremented by 1.
Any idea why FCA would need to contact British lenders to see "if they too are using a sequential numbering scheme for their cards"? Since they must all be generating their numbers using some algorithm, isn't it obvious that they're indeed using a sequential numbering scheme?
13 Dec 2016 17:40 Read comment
How's this possible? I thought V/MC rules require card numbers to be compliant with MOD 10 / Luhn algorithm, which ensures that they won't be sequential?
12 Dec 2016 17:46 Read comment
@TomHay + 1. "Incumbent power", I guess!
08 Dec 2016 17:38 Read comment
Facebook has already told Admiral, effectively, that what happens on FB should stay in FB - and not be used to calculate insurance premium. Now this warning from Fed. Let's see where this goes...
08 Dec 2016 17:35 Read comment
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