We know what happened the last time there was a famous car chase in LA.
11 Mar 2014 14:48 Read comment
By making it possible to measure the effectiveness of print and TV ads, Powa solves a long standing pain faced by marketers. By facilitating immediate purchase from ads in non-digital media, Powa delivers a major gain. If it supported 1-Click bill pay, I'd give it the perfect '10' rating.
07 Mar 2014 18:39 Read comment
Anecdotally, and from personal experience, stock out situations are the fundamental driver for showrooming. As I'd highlighted in a blog post by the same title, brick-and-mortar retailers are largely responsible for showrooming.
07 Mar 2014 17:59 Read comment
Reading about "No Invoice Policy" brought back the old memory of reading about support for the related "Evaluated Receipts Settlement" feature in a leading ERP in the late '90s. At the time, I was stunned about how technology could be used to cut costs, increase accuracy and all those nice things. I continue to be stunned now, but about why ERS hasn't quite taken the world by storm yet. Although there might be a few early adapters of ERS, I've come across just one company - a Top 5 USA Bank - to have implemented ERS in these 15 years. Goes to show why, on certain things like business processes, people tend to overestimate the amount of change even in 10 years.
04 Mar 2014 11:45 Read comment
As others debate on PIN versus Signature, the regulator in India has mandated PIN + Signature since December 2013. The tighter security will definitely bring down card fraud. Going by initial experience, the greater friction will also bring down card transactions. I made two payments today by cash that I've been making by credit card for the past 10 years. Reason? The merchants in question - MNO and satellite TV provider - couldn't get their POS machines to accept PIN, so they refused to accept credit / debit cards altogether.
28 Feb 2014 18:36 Read comment
Why not provide a choice between Geoloc and GPS? While GPS is less likely to work indoors than Geoloc, it doesn't require data connectivity to be switched on.
26 Feb 2014 16:35 Read comment
£20 million ~ 6500 jobs works out to < £3100 per job. Wonder what kind of jobs those are.
25 Feb 2014 10:52 Read comment
"The cold storage has been wiped out due to a leak in the hot wallet". LOL. He may be a Bitcoin blogger but, going by his exhibition of humor to describe this pilferage, I can wager my last dollar - er, Bitcoin - that Mr. Ryan Galt doesn't own any Bitcoin.
25 Feb 2014 10:36 Read comment
Simple is the latest illustration of the success of the time-worn strategy adopted by many traditional banks to wait-and-watch the performance of wannable disruptors and buy out the ones that show some potential. Like eCount and Revolution Money that went before it, Simple has also realized that selling out to a traditional bank is more practical - not to mention lucrative - than to maintain the ruse of disrupting it.
21 Feb 2014 16:11 Read comment
Of course outsourcing is different from offshoring in a general context. But, as I've highlighted in my previous comments, IT meltdowns can happen regardless of offshoring or outsourcing or insourcing, so the mixup in terminology is hardly material in this specific context.
20 Feb 2014 06:15 Read comment
Derek RogaFounder and CEO at EQUIIS Technologies Switzerland AG
Peter BakkerFounder and CEO at Unhedged
Todd CroslandFounder and CEO at CoinZoom
Nameer KhanFounder and CEO at Fils
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