On Open Banking: Consent is Key, I'd raised the subject of MINT-like PFMs who have been merrily using login credentials for 10+ years. In response, an anonymous Finextra Member had pointed out that it's illegal for a TPP to perform screen scraping under PSD2. In that case, why should NatWest amend its T&Cs to warn customers that they're liable for fraud losses if they share their login details with TPPs? Shouldn't such TPPs be illegal under PSD2 in the first place??
22 Dec 2017 13:39 Read comment
At the end of Innovative Fintechs Don’t Need No PSD2 Regulation, I'd wondered how fintechs would react if Open Banking requires them to share their customers' info with banks.
The way Barclays is openly encouraging its customers to view their accounts with other providers via Barclays Mobile Banking app, it looks like my idle conjecture has now become a clear and present danger.
21 Dec 2017 11:03 Read comment
I've seen complaints on LinkedIn that Zebpay, India's largest Bitcoin exchange, is dilly dallying with customers' requests to "cash out" i.e. convert BTC to INR (India's fiat currency).
20 Dec 2017 18:19 Read comment
Dear @Citi: Feel free to use my feedback at A Killer Feature For PFM On The Eve Of PSD2.
20 Dec 2017 10:40 Read comment
Whatever we may say about UI or UX or CX of banking apps, banking is a chore. By letting you do banking activities in the background, "Alexa Banking" is the only channel that recognizes this fundamental fact. Ergo, I think it has the potential to be disruptive. http://lnr.li/9p0nd
19 Dec 2017 14:50 Read comment
I'm not doubting the overwhelming success of iDEAL in NL. In fact, based on the popularity of iDEAL and a couple of other similar MOPs in USA and India even back in 2011, I'd predicted that EBA Clearing's myBank Will Be A Hit. However, despite being very similar to iDEAL et al, myBank seems to have fizzled out.
Surely, a lot of things are possible given the right conditions. But, then, right conditions don't seem to be happening in too many places. Therein lies the rub.
And, now that I understand from @Jan-Olof Brunila's comment that PSD2 bans surcharge for credit card payments, the prospects for card alternatives don't look any brighter.
19 Dec 2017 12:19 Read comment
@FrankNolden: It's a well-documented fact that credit card drives overspending. By discouraging credit card payments, retailers are losing out on revenue upsides. If they still opt to do so in certain markets and shoot themselves in the foot in the process, it's probably a reflection of saturation level and limited growth potential available in those markets for reasons regardless of payment methods.
19 Dec 2017 08:46 Read comment
@DavidOram + 1. As a consumer, I've preferred credit card over all other methods of payments because it's the only MOP that gives me rewards, deferred payment and fraud protection. Several new MOPs have come and gone during my 30 years of credit card use and not one has matched these benefits of credit card. Unless they can change that, all these retailers and fintechs are just deluding themselves that they can disrupt credit card payments.
18 Dec 2017 18:03 Read comment
@JamesAndrew: No such luck for London cabbies and taxi companies. I was recently testing the app for work-related reasons and stumbled upon availability of Uber cabs between my ex-home and customer's office in London. I found out that Uber continues to operate in London, pending decision on its appeal.
12 Dec 2017 09:05 Read comment
What are PFMs there for? With the kind of account access they'll get out of PSD2, they should provide timely warnings about events that impact account balance, cash flow, fees and fines. I should add this as another PFM killer feature in A Killer Feature For PFM On The Eve Of PSD2. Although I don't recall its name, a fintech recently launched a service in USA that shields customers from overdraft protection fees, and it didn't even need PSD2.
11 Dec 2017 16:35 Read comment
Ben GoldinFounder and CEO at Plumery
Nick CousinsFounder and CEO at Exizent
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Eldad TamirFounder and CEO at FINQ
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