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Blockchain Observations

Being a forum for blockchain ideas

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Blockchain and crypto markets - reporting from the trenches

Reporting is no mine, though. I’ll reproduce some insights from Pavel Kravchenko, a smart PhD founder of Distributed Labs whom I was introduced to by Dave Birch. Pavel has just returned from a trip to California where he attended a number of blockchain and crypto events. Here’s his view of where the market is going to: Large funds are still doing...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Blockchain World Wire: should Ripple worry?

“Out of the Blue”, and “quite in the shadow”, IBM recently introduced a new product called Blockchain World Wire. A cross-border payments system for financial institutions based on blockchain technology. This new global financial network will work on the Stellar network and will not only compete with the traditional Swift system, but could also be...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Decentralised does not equal better

Would you fly on a plane guided by a decentralised air traffic control system, even if the price was cheaper?.. Decentralisation is a term often thrown around when someone talks about blockchain and cryptocurrencies. At a recent TechCrunch event in Zug, Vitalik Buterin infamously quipped that “I definitely hope centralized exchanges go burn in hell...

Enrico Camerinelli

Enrico Camerinelli Supply Chain Blockchain Personal Coach at Aite Group

Trustless Blockchains Are Yet to Come

Blockchain technology is finding barriers to acceptance among global corporate institutions. Lack of trust among users represents one of the biggest hurdles to full acceptance. So what? The real problem is that blockchain-based applications make transactions immutable; hence, corporate users feel they will never be able to rectify mistakes, or, wor...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The changing world of money and why it’s a big deal

After a not so short “sabbatical”, I am back at Finextra. (Thank you for the warm welcome, Steve.) To kick things off, I’ll write a series of short blog posts on the changing world of money – blockchain, stablecoin, cryptocurrencies, micropayments, ICO, STO, to name a few global macrotrends and buzzwords. Things are changing at breakneck speed. 25...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Private vs public blockchains: The race to innovate

The debate surrounding the use of blockchain in the financial services industry shows no sign of abating. New proof-of-concepts are launched daily, with leading firms in the marketplace working on real-life applications of this technology. More transparency, significantly increased transaction speeds, less manual overheads and improved efficiency ...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Central Banks apathy for blockchain is waning

Early 2017 I wrote a blog on Central Banks and blockchain (see: Blockchain and Central banks: a Tour de Table Part I and II, 3 and 9 January 2017). My conclusion at that time was: “It has become clear that central banks are set to take a much more active role in the development of blockchain technology. But how active that will be is not yet clear...

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

African countries open for blockchain acceptance

During the whole month of November we are going to visit Southern Africa again, travelling around. So it’s time again to look at this continent from a blockchain point of view. Since my last blogs on this topic a lot has happened (See: South Africa and Blockchain: changing the face of Africa, 15 November 2016). Even though Africa did not get a lot...

Shailendra Malik

Shailendra Malik SVP - Tech Delivery (Enterprise Search) at DBS Bank

Blockchain adoption is a psychological challenge, not technical

What I’ve learned from past two years of Blockchain noise and all the commotion around it is that it is not a technical challenge. It is a social challenge and hence the answer may not lie in the technical realms but more have to be found in the psychological side of the question. So the question is not whether Blockchain really works or can work ...

Enrico Camerinelli

Enrico Camerinelli Supply Chain Blockchain Personal Coach at Aite Group

Blockchain is a Virtual External Drive

The value of blockchain is shaping up: an infrastructure layer that enables companies to turn goods into tokens and then trade and settle them. All of this without changing any of the company’s current information management systems. Blockchain becomes a shared “dropbox” in which all parties trust the validity of the data stored in this virtual dri...

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