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Banking Regulations

Discussion around current trends in regulations for banks globally

Retired Member

Retired Member 

GDPR in Context: 10 Data Subject Rights

GDPR introduces ten new rights to data subjects. Chapter III of GDPR, Section 1 provides for some of the transparency requirements placed upon data controllers as they communicate with data subjects. It explicitly refers to several Articles 13 – 22 and Article 34. In plain English, that means: The controller has to provide certain information to ...


Nanda Kumar

Nanda Kumar CEO at SunTec Business Solutions

2008-2018, two turning points for the financial services sector

10 years after the last financial crisis, a new upheaval in banking It’s been 10 years since the global financial crisis, considered by many to be the worst since the great depression. New regulations like the Banking Act of 2009, the FSA Remunerations Code, Know Your Customer (KYC), accompanied by stress tests, have been put in place in this dec...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

GDPR in Context: 6 Key Data Protection Principles

GDPR outlines six principles that organizations need to abide by. These principles aren't new - they were already outlined in the 1995 directive, but GDPR has revised them slightly. We delve into each principle below: 1. Lawfulness, fairness and transparency Our last blog, on Legal Bases, falls within this principle. Controllers essentially need to...


Breana Patel

Breana Patel CEO | Thought leader in Bank Risk & Regulations at Bonova Advisory | Risk &Regulatory Advisory

Best Practices in Internal Capital Adequacy Planning

Best Practices in Managing Internal Capital AdequacyGuaranteeing a Solid Base of Capitalization Cooked down to its essence, the convulsion that overtook the international banking system in 2008 came down to institutions lacking adequate capitalization. The failure of Lehman Brothers — due to its holdings in the subprime market not being sufficientl...

/regulation /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

GDPR in Context: The 6 Legal Bases for Processing

The first principle of data protection requires that all personal data be processed lawfully, fairly and transparently. A legal (or lawful) basis for processing must be satisfied before an organization can process any personal data. GDPR outlines six scenarios in which data processing is legally permitted. Unless the organization can show that the ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Bracing for Brexit

There are very few things we can be certain of in regard to Brexit, other than the fact that it won’t be concluded in 2018. It would be premature, though, to dismiss Brexit as topic solely for the policy makers sitting in their ivory tower far removed from the technology and operations that keep financial markets running smoothly on a daily basis....


Reghunathan Sukumara Pillai

Reghunathan Sukumara Pillai Consultant at Infosys

Corporate Credit Appraisals and Decision making

Corporate Loans occupy significant size in the asset portfolio of large Banks. Most of the Banks have a well-defined corporate credit department comprising of relationship managers, credit appraisal officers, risk officers, approvers and Department heads. Corporate Loans not only generates interest and fee based income but also build the asset sid...


Reghunathan Sukumara Pillai

Reghunathan Sukumara Pillai Consultant at Infosys

Regulations for Non Performing Assets- How effective is the implementation ?

Lending is a major activity for major Banks and lending for capital investments, infrastructure, finances in Government sector and industries, heavy machineries contributes to the development of economy and also providing long term assured interest/fee based income to the Bank. Such corporate loans occupy a significant asset portfolio in many larg...


Brendan Jones

Brendan Jones CCO - Co-Founder at Konsentus Ltd

The World of Open Banking

Open banking is not just for Europe, although many of us sitting in Europe probably think it is. Many other markets around the world have been noticing what Europe is up to and other countries and regions are also looking to adopt similar principles with the ultimate view of delivering better customer financial outcomes. USA Stakeholders in the ...


Brendan Jones

Brendan Jones CCO - Co-Founder at Konsentus Ltd

EU Open Banking is not just for banks

Or maybe the headline should really read EU PSD2, open access APIs are not just for banks and the first thing we all need to be clear on is that UK open banking, that has been launched with the CAM9, is not the same as PSD2 open access APIs. So who does PSD2 open access APIs apply to? Well PSD2 uses the term ‘Transactional Account’ and in the UK t...


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