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Open Banking

Open Banking regulation, innovation and technology and it's potential to revolutionise the Financial Services Industry.

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Novelty to Necessity: The Power of Personalisation Technology in Banking

Thanks to advanced technologies, we now have natural language robotics and facial recognition that can measure and match unique characteristics for the purposes of authentication and identification. With personalised assistance machines, we are more able to detect, prevent and deal with various threats on society. In the digital world, facial bio...


Gavin Scruby

Gavin Scruby CIO at SmartDebit

What does Open Banking mean for Direct Debit - and how does it tie in to Star Wars?

I went to see the new Star Wars film recently. At the time, I had Open Banking on my mind. I was thinking about its effects on Direct Debit, as the two could easily seem to conflict in a galactic, well UK-wide, struggle. It made me think back to the original films and ask myself: is Open Banking Vader to Direct Debit’s Obi Wan Kenobi? And, will Di...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Open Banking: Redefining the Private Banker

The acclaimed author and social commentator Malcolm Gladwell once commented, “We learn by example and by direct experience because there are real limits to the adequacy of verbal instruction”. With Open Banking, private banking can be available to all A Retail banking revolution is underway. Evolving customer expectations, shifting platforms, rei...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Open Banking: Will It Impact Bank Account Switching?

Over time, BACS Account Switching stats can provide useful insights into the impact Open Banking has by measuring the volume of movement between UK current account providers. The latest stats cover Q1 2017 and reveal the following: - Nationwide Building Society is the clear winner with a net gain of 38,000 thanks to heavy promotion, offering high ...


Myles Stephenson

Myles Stephenson Chief Executive at Modulr

Seven things you probably should know about PSD2, but were never told

January 13 was the deadline for the much-anticipated Second Payment Services Directive, or PSD2, to become national law in EU Member States. In the UK, PSD2 was implemented within the 2017 Payment Services Regulations, which are enforced by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Much of the focus around PSD2, understandably, has been on open banki...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

PSD2: Short Term Pain, Long Term Gain

The information on PSD2 can be overwhelming and confusing to both the average person and tech genius alike. This post aims to simplify the mandated requirements within PSD2 and provide insight on how Financial Institutions can embrace and respond to this initiative. Most importantly, it aims to raise excitement as this regulation will change the b...

Mark Jackson

Mark Jackson Managing Director - Product & Capabilities at Valuedynamx - a Collinson Company

2018 will be shaped by Open Banking

For retail banks operating in the EU, open banking - and ‘Open APIs’ which are seen as a key facilitator of this - have become hot topics in the boardroom. Spearheaded by the European Commission’s revised Payments Directive (PSD2), banks that operate in the EU will, from Jan 13th 2018, need to provide ‘open access’ to payments and account inform...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Open Banking 13 Jan 2018 - 'Danse Macabre' or Tango for Banks and Fintech?

Now that the floor is nearly open for true open banking in Europe as a result of the passing of the PSD2 kick off date this Sunday, observers sit tight to see the scene unfold. Will we be enjoying a Danse Macabre with the incumbent banks in a leading role or a 'Scent of a Woman' tango, the unforgettable picture of experience and youth joining forc...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Open Banking: A Marathon Not A Sprint

In 1981, the idea for the London Marathon was conceived in the Dysart Arms pub by olympic medal winners John Disley and Chris Brasher. They had both run in the 1979 New York Marathon and this inspired them to organise a London event. Public awareness was low back then and the event attracted 20,000 entrants with 7,747 making it to the start and 6...

Guillaume Pousaz

Guillaume Pousaz Founder and CEO at

PSD2: A new dawn

This week, the second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) will overhaul the European payments landscape. The new legislation will essentially force banks to open up their data, allowing third party providers such as fintech companies to access both account and transactional information. This gives third party providers the power to authorize payment...


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