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Fintech discussions and conversations around the development of fintech.

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd

Chatbots as an enabler for Knowledge Process Re-Modelling

The Problem Process Modelling is pervasive. At the lowest level process, there is often tasks that require the knowledge worker to access Complex Knowledge in the form of documents covering regulatory, statutory, legal, tax, tariffs, policies or procedural matters. Complex Knowledge contained in documents is no longer fit for purpose for two reaso...


Chriss Andrews

Chriss Andrews CEO at KA2 Limited

Why Satya Nadella is rapidly becoming the poster boy for the CEO community

You may or may not be aware that Microsoft have recently undergone a wholesale business transformation programme. According to statistics Microsoft employs 124,000 people across over 120 countries. For a company of this scale to embark on wholesale change is mind-blowing really, and they didn’t just change one part of the business – they have tran...

Elina Mattila

Elina Mattila Executive Director at Mobey Forum

Mobile wallets in India: What the world can learn

India’s emergence as a digital payment powerhouse is an unlikely story. Until recently, cash accounted for 95% of transactions, 85% of workers were paid in cash, and 70% of online shoppers chose ‘cash on delivery’ as their preferred payment option.[1] Yet, the Indian mobile wallet market is set to grow by 150% over the next five years, with transa...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Five ways to optimise exchange connectivity latency

Every electronic trading algorithm has its own unique attributes impacting its operation. The general model is that the electronic trading algorithm takes in inputs, often composed of data disseminated by an exchange, and having processed them, may send out buy, sell or cancel orders to an exchange. Trading is time sensitive as the prices change ...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The art of interpretation: Regtech and intrinsic complexity

The statistics are dizzying: around 170 jurisdictions, 750 regulators, millions of pages of rules and regulations, one revised every seven seconds. It is no wonder that those charged with keeping their financial institution on the regulatory rails do not always sleep easily at night. How is Regtech, a convenient shorthand for Regulatory Technology...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

MiFID II: don’t let compliance slow you down

2018 is being marked as ‘the year of regulation’, with new legal requirements affecting a number of industries. In addition to the upcoming EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) deadline, the financial services sector has already seen two major regulations come into effect – one of which is the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II ...


Bob Lyddon

Bob Lyddon Consultant at Lyddon Consulting Services

Ripple: the big story of Q4 2017, but is it any more than that?

Ripple enjoyed high profile in Q4 2017, running its conference in Toronto alongside that of the organisation it aims to take down (SWIFT), seeing the price of its XRP cryptocurrency rise from $0.25 on October 10th to $2.25 on December 31st, and releasing a steady stream of positive publicity about interest in/take-up of its core service: payment m...


Jose Carvalho

Jose Carvalho Senior Vice President, Global Commercial Payments at American Express

How fintechs can keep a handle on costs

Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) now spend an average of £1 million (£1,016,194) each on business expenditure every year, according to new research*. The biggest costs in this annual shopping bill include hiring new staff, paying suppliers and investing in technology. And SME spending only rises as businesses age, so getting cashflow ma...

/payments /startups

Vinod Sharma

Vinod Sharma CTO - FinTech Domain at Econet Wireless Zimbabwe

FinTech - Machine Learning and Recommenders

I was invited as Keynote speaker in GCC Blockchain event in Dubai on 22 and 23 November 2017. I advocated for my area on AI and its subfield for FinTech. Also gave me lot of insight on how Blockchain can equally disrupt FinTech of rather doing it along with AI. In line with a Dubai goal towards making it the first Blockchain-powered government in ...


Piyush Srivastava

Piyush Srivastava President & Chief Operating Officer at RiskCounts LLC

How AI is changing the Risk Management & Compliance

In this increasing debate over AI, in how it is good for mankind, and on the other side, how it is going to take away our jobs, what is the right answer? I would take the analogy of the advent of cars, trains or airplanes, in the times when people used horse carriages, horses or bullock carts. What was the advantage of a motor car or the train? Wel...

/ai /inclusion

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