
Group founded 16 May 2017
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Members 163
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Fintech discussions and conversations around the development of fintech.

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Roel Jansen

The potential for emerging technologies

Fintechs have become highly prominent over the years, with more emerging all the time. In fact the fintech sector is flourishing, the UK industry alone experienced record growth in 2018, with the glob...

12 May 2020
Retired Member

How fintechs are getting small businesses the help they need faster

The current Covid-19 pandemic is stressing small businesses around the world in extraordinary ways. Small businesses make up a significant portion of the global economy, yet many may never recover fr

12 May 2020
Konstantin Rabin

Fintech is keeping growing unemployment rates in the US on manageable levels

Humanity is facing an unprecedented global crisis caused by the novel coronavirus pandemic. The infection that first started in China’s Hubei province has now covered the absolute majority of earth, i...

11 May 2020
Gustav Korobov

Bank as a service - the future of banks and fintech startups?

How do we see the future of fintechs and banks? Will these financial players end up being competitors or partners? We at Advapay are working daily with Fintechs to provide core banking platform and un...

07 May 2020
Roel Jansen

Integration between technology and knowledge

Banks and fintechs have been in competition for some time, as the fintech industry flourishes, banks increasingly fear losing out. However, the constant comparison between the two highlights that they...

05 May 2020
Chris Holmes

Credit scoring: Going alternative

When assessing applicants’ financial reliability, lenders globally have traditionally relied on a limited range of data sources. In the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and Germany, creditworthiness is determin...

04 May 2020
Kevin Day

Innovation in supply chain finance is vital during COVID-19

The impact of COVID-19 on our inter-connected economies and businesses has been significant, putting supply chains around the world under unprecedented pressure and severely disrupting global trade. U...

28 Apr 2020
Roel Jansen

The importance of personalisation

The rise of technology, digital services and social networks have led to increased customer expectations. Consumers are demanding personalised services throughout all industries – particularly bankin...

28 Apr 2020
Chris Holmes

FinTech responds to the pandemic: Supporting small businesses

The current COVID-19 outbreak is starting to take its toll on the global economy, with small businesses and self-employed individuals being heavily impacted. Whilst many governments around the world h...

27 Apr 2020
Roel Jansen

Remain relevant in Banking: not just technology

"Evolve or become irrelevant" has been the mantra in the banking and finance sector for some time now. Updating legacy systems and transitioning to more agile, innovative technology has been...

21 Apr 2020
Lisette Anciaes

How Virtual Prepaid Cards are helping Reward, Motivate and Incentivize Employees during COVID-19

We are living in uncertain times; the COVID-19 pandemic is changing the world as we know it more specifically the work force. Although there have been thousands of layoffs, so many people are still wo...

17 Apr 2020
Lisette Anciaes

Virtual Cards 101

Due to the recent events around the world, we are seeing more and more discussions around new payments methods from cheques and cash, to bitcoin and virtual payment cards. PYMNTS.COM “Paper Checks, CO...

16 Apr 2020

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