
Group founded 16 May 2017
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Fintech discussions and conversations around the development of fintech.

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Retired Member

Keep your partnerships positive by understanding how to manage third-party risk

The payment industry has a long tradition of outsourcing, partnering, and collaborating across a wide set of organisations. Many parties are involved each time a customer buys something with a plastic...

28 Oct 2020
Retired Member

Where have all the Robos gone?

Four years ago, and continuing until very recently, robo advisory was all the rage. It was impossible to go to any wealth conference without at least one of the speakers expounding the virtues of the ...

27 Oct 2020
Daire Ferguson

Online trading on the rise amid increased market volatility during the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of our lives. Setting aside the health implications, twelve months ago we could have had no idea that the way we work and socialise would change so drama...

22 Oct 2020
John Cragg

Navigating PCI PIN Security Requirements

Security and compliance in the payments ecosystem cannot be underestimated and should always be adhered to. Yet, understanding the complexity of the various security standards is something that cannot...

21 Oct 2020
Stefan Pajkovic

How fintechs can avoid a spiral of death in the age of COVID-19

On average it takes at least 2 to 3 years for a fintech company to transition from an initial proposition to being market ready, often at the cost of millions of pounds. In the current COVID environm...

16 Oct 2020
Reed Luhtanen

Meeting Unprecedented Times with Faster Payments Disbursements

In a year where we’ve seen the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the raging wildfires in California, a hurricane season so active we’ve exhausted the alphabet, and more, “unprecedented” has become a...

15 Oct 2020
Retired Member

Embedded Finance: What it is and What it Means for the Fintech Industry

The fintech industry is always evolving. But one development in particular is generating significant buzz and market-wide revenue predictions to the tune of over $7 trillion in just 10 years. That dev...

13 Oct 2020
Carolyn Breeze

How flexible payment options help boost subscription growth

COVID19 and the ensuing recession is reshaping the way we think about spending habits and payments, accelerating a shift already underway to subscription models. This creates a new set of challenges ...

09 Oct 2020
John Cragg

What is the future of digital payments?

Digital payments have evolved tremendously over the past few years, raising the question: where will digital payment technologies take us in the future? As more consumers become tech savvy the opportu...

08 Oct 2020
Gustav Korobov

Your Checklist to pick a Digital Core Banking provider

There are many different Digital Core Banking providers in the market. They differ from one to another. Some of them offer only front-end applications, for example, web and mobile banking for end-user...

07 Oct 2020
Reed Luhtanen

U.S. Faster Payments Evolution: Share Your Thoughts on the Journey

For most of us, the pandemic has upended our way of life. It has changed our working styles and environments. It has altered shopping habits. It has driven a surge in touchless and remote transactions...

06 Oct 2020
Konstantin Rabin

How is Malaysia's fintech industry fueled by Singapore?

It is not a surprise anymore that the fintech industry is developing at rapid steps around the world. The digitalization, which led to the improvement in various industries is visible and tangible in ...

02 Oct 2020

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