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Trends in Financial Services

A community to discuss the future of financial services and any other interesting trends, strategies, ideas, views.

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Dubai's Shopping Spree Continues

DIFC has added another arrow to its strategic quiver: SmartStream. The acquisition underscores once again the explosive buildup of financial infrastructure going on in the Middle East. With the continued weak dollar and high oil prices, it would seem that it is just a matter of time before DIFC or another regional financial institution makes a pl...

Alan Goodrich

Alan Goodrich Regional Sales Manager at ERI

Smarter Than A Ten Year Old?

Sorry, this is not a blog discussing the new TV series, but it hopefully will hold your attention at least as long as the programme makers hope their latest show will. Much is being written and discussed about innovation in financial services with, it seems, organisations employing an increasing number of people with the remit to innovate. Any of y...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What About Personal Risk Management?

In 2003, Yale University professor Dr. Robert Shiller ("Irrational Exuberance") published his widely heralded tome, "The New Financial Order: Risk in the 21st Century." In it Shiller lays out his ideas for "radical financial innovation," and, specifically, the development of financial products and services which pro...

Alan Goodrich

Alan Goodrich Regional Sales Manager at ERI

The Distribution Dilemma

Hmmm... I wondered whether it was worth blogging about anything other than MiFID this week... but then decided that perhaps someone might want to read about something else..? Anyway, I finished my previous blog on the funds distribution topic with Tim Keaney’s (co-CEO at BNY Mellon Asset Servicing) statement at SIBOS that “more than 80% of the tra...


Alan Goodrich

Alan Goodrich Regional Sales Manager at ERI

How Fickle We Are With Funds

No, I’m not suggesting we are careless or eclectic with our money! Or, are we sometimes – in a way..? I was part of the packed audience in Room 210 at one of the opening sessions, on the Monday morning of SIBOS this year, entitled: The 21st century funds industry: What are the critical success factors? The assembled panel of experts was worthy of t...


Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Making innovation pay

McKinsey assessed the IT strategies of ten leading global corporations to understand how they invest in innovation while running their core IT operations efficiently. The consultancy found that they typically define their IT investments across three criteria - as low risk (“stay in the race” projects to improve basic services), medium risk (“win t...

/retail /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Greenspan's Age Of Turbulence - must read!

I was stuck abroad last weekend and picked up Alan Greenspan's "Age of turbulence" to kill some time. I read the book cover to cover in one go (well actually two sessions to allow for dinner and drink) and want to endorse this book to anyone out there with the faintest interest in economics, US financial policy and business in general. “...


Hans Hagen

Hans Hagen Founder at Alphastrike

Dinosaur revival

Not too long ago, ATMs were predicted to suffer the same fate as dinosaurs. With the invention of payment cards of all sorts, increasing usage of cards as a cash substitute, and the introduction of cash back at point of sale, ATMs were predicted to suffer a slow death. Those predictions, however, failed to consider two key aspects of ATMs. First ...


Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

The mobile wallet generation

Young people are almost as dependent on their mobile phones as they are on cash, according to new research commissioned by UK ATM network Link. The poll, conducted by YouGov among 2000 adults found that 18-24 year olds ranked cash and mobile access as 'basic necessities'. The survey results also showed that young adults would be more willing to go ...

/payments /retail

Hans Hagen

Hans Hagen Founder at Alphastrike

Never-ending battle

No industry observer is surprised by the reported rise in fraud committed abroad on UK cards. The perverse effect of harder-to-crack chip card technology is that fraud increases where chip cannot be used, by using cards with information obtained by skimming or other ways obtaining the information located on the mag-stripe on the back of the very ...


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