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Trends in Financial Services

A community to discuss the future of financial services and any other interesting trends, strategies, ideas, views.

John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

PSR - Access to markets update

In January I wrote that the PSR was one of the things to watch in this year, and I’ve been surprised by the amount of pace they have made in such a short time through their excellent forum. There has been a round of workshops throughout January and I was privileged to chair a sub-group that looked at the access processes used by industry participan...


John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

10 Secrets to managing remote teams

The secret to successfully managing remote teams is in recognizing that it’s more a leadership role than a manager one. Too often I find that managers try to manage remote teams as if they were locally based and it doesn’t work. Remote teams need to have more attention and more support than locally based teams. You have to compensate for the lack...


John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

5 things that will definitely influence payments this year

Usually at the start of a New Year we try to make predictions of what lies ahead; comparisons of previous predictions show we get it wrong more often than not. Instead this year I’d like to highlight 5 things that will definitely influence payments this year. One thing has become clear is that although many of the predictions are aimed at banks t...

/payments /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Fee or Free? How low should remittance transfer fees be? The ultimate dilemma.

Determining the price for a product or a service is the penultimate question. The money-transfer industry is no different. At present, the remittance industry has more or less the following models for pricing: Regular Pricing – whatever it may be, is an average of the large players operating for that particular remittance corridor Free – send/rece...

/payments /startups

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Bringing private wires into the 21st century

A recent blog post from Colt highlighted the way trading floors have changed over the last few decades – what was once a profession characterised by floors of people shouting orders across a seething mass of traders has transformed into electronic trading, algorithms and mathematics PhDs. As with any industry, things change, move on and develop. ...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Intelligent Mortgage Sales : The Future Possible

Intelligent Mortgage Sales : The Future Possible This blog is in two parts – come back next week for part 2, Buying a home: the future possible. I’m going to start this blog with a quote from the Science Fiction author, William Gibson who is widely acknowledge to have coined the term Cyberspace back in 1982. “The future is already here – it's just...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

M and A acceleration and the CIO's role

Although many may claim to have done so, nobody could have predicted the severity of the current economic situation. The domino-effect continues and it is becoming more and more difficult to determine whether a business partner, competitor or service provider will be in existence next month or even next week. As a result many mergers and acquisit...


Hans Hagen

Hans Hagen Founder at Alphastrike

Levering ATMs for Cardless Money Transfer

For some time I have been intrigued by banks' lack of interest in, or inability to leverage their ATM networks to gain a competitive edge. Traditionally used for cash advances and balance enquiries, ATMs have turned into more of a multimedia kiosk capable of providing a wide range of services. One area of particular interest, in my mind, is money ...


John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

The innovation debate

In one of my recent Financial Sector bulletins, I initiated a discussion on whether innovation is a good strategy for current market conditions. The debate on our FS Think Tank LinkedIn group - a new and growing discussion group set up with a number of alliance partners - was particularly active and practical. For example, I was glad to read tha...

/retail /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The NVCA Four Pillar Plan

The National Venture Capital Association yesterday unveiled a four point plan to resuscitate the dead IPO market currently vexing the VC community. The plan calls for greater cooperation among ecosystem partners, enhanced liquidity paths, tax incentives, and regulatory changes. While all of NVCA's proposals are compelling and needed, we are partic...

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