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Financial Risk Management

This network brings together professionals involved in the oversight and management of their company's financial risks and exposures as well as solution vendors, in order to discuss risk issues including interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk and commodity price risk, among others.

Retired Member

Retired Member 

OTC clearing: untangling the netting

I mentioned ‘netting sets' in a previous blog on OTC clearing as a key focus of much debate at a recent OTC derivatives conference. To me, there seems to be some confusion around usage of the term within the subject of OTC clearing, and I've heard it used in a number of contexts. We can potentially talk about the netting of ‘positions' as well as ...

/regulation /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Managing margin and collateral

While speaking at the OTC Derivatives and Counterparty Risk conference in London last week, I noticed a number of recurring themes which continued to pop up throughout the day. Most of the conference presentations touched upon the topics of margin and collateral management, netting sets and wrong-way risk. As mentioned in my previous blog (Adding...

/regulation /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Finance IT - figuring out the impact of regulatory change

Rather than scratching their heads (as a bank recently commented to us), IT teams could use regulation as a driver to delivery more accurate information. Especially in Finance IT which, as another bank mentioned, has sometimes been “very close-chested about [changes]…they often do, to my mind, very manual things that could easily be automated”.

Richard Chapman

Richard Chapman Head of Strategy at SunGard

BPO: Hiding Operations Under The Bed?

“Go and tidy your room or you won’t get any dessert!” I droop my shoulders and trudge off upstairs to set about the gargantuan task of bedroom tidying. It’s going to be tough. Its one thing to take the mess on the floor and across all available surfaces, but what on earth am I to do with it? For a start, not only will I need to rationalize all of ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

What if banks were really fined based on income?

Thanks to Ian Wigman for this gem from WIRED magazine. A man in Switzerland was recently fined a record $290,000 for driving 85 mph in a 50 mph limit. (It was less before he pleaded his case!) The reason being in 2002 the Swiss replaced prison sentences for some offenses, with fines based on income. The driver in question has a reputed income o...

/regulation /sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Client Money Risk and the need for process transparency

The banking and financial service industry is under ever increasing scrutiny from the regulators. Under the microscope are the banking practices and procedures that affect virtually every area of the industry and every role. There is a regulatory expectation, and in many cases, a requirement to create transparency, prove controls and procedures a...

/regulation /sibos

Richard Chapman

Richard Chapman Head of Strategy at SunGard

Match On, Match Off: Administrative Burden vs Ops Efficiency

When my interest in matching and reconciliation solutions began around 10 years ago, solutions were little more than a box in the corner producing daily exception lists for manual review and archival. Investment and technology have had an incredible effect on such solutions that now include complex ETL integration, pre and post import validation a...


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