Transaction Banking

Group founded 25 Sep 2008
Posts 188
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A community for discussing technology trends, views and perspective in global transaction banking

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Thank You, America

This is probably never going to gain traction, but I wonder whether we should really be thanking the US for triggering the financial crisis... My reason for saying this is that, at least by doing so, ...

28 Jan 2009
Retired Member

When Bonuses Work...

...even for Northern Rock employees. There was an interesting debate on Question Time last night about the bonuses that are to be paid to Northern Rock staff. The views spanned the spectrum, from on...

23 Jan 2009
Retired Member

Bank Loan Insurance Must End

If you go back less than a working generation, a bank would lend money and then manage that loan through to complete repayment. If it had done its assessment properly, and if the customer was fortuna...

19 Jan 2009
Retired Member

ATM Blunder Brings Back Memories...

It's amazing how many times this happens Presumably, the wrong notes have been loaded in the wrong hoppers...? If so, this is easily l...

16 Jan 2009
Retired Member

Tackling The Wrong End Of the Problem

I noticed an article in the Press today suggesting that the authorities were now considering creating a ‘bad bank’ (we already have more than one, but I know what they mean), into which could be place...

14 Jan 2009
Retired Member

Bank Insults with Mailshot

Of course, few people are happy with bankers at the moment, but they're not doing much to help themselves. In fact, the most recent communication from my bank (I won't say which one, but it begins wi...

12 Jan 2009
Retired Member

Let's Waste Another Billion on SCV...

If this is the future of regulation, then God help us. I can't think of a bigger waste of money (at least, not at the moment, but I'm sure something will turn up) than spending £1 billion plus (let's ...

09 Jan 2009
Retired Member

Savers RIP...

...almost. So the authorities have shaved another 0.5% off rates to 'help the economy'. It certainly doesn't help savers (who are the only people with money to spend) and it must be of limited help ...

08 Jan 2009
Retired Member

Contactless Without A Choice...?

Interesting development by Barclays in adding contactless technology to all their debit cards. I wonder whether they are planning to offer people the option to opt out of the card type, i.e. have a de...

06 Jan 2009
Retired Member

Interest Tax Proposals Expose Financial Naivety

The economic situation we are in has amply demonstrated how Labour doesn't understand finance well enough to be left in charge of the economy. The worrying thing for me is that the Conservatives are ...

06 Jan 2009
Retired Member

Corporate Debt - A Lender's Perspective

In the paper today was a truly staggering figure - £110 billion of corporate debt that will need to be refinanced in 2009. That is probably a conservative figure, focusing only on the larger companie...

04 Jan 2009
Retired Member

1970's Revisited

The twenty-teenies look to me as if they'll be a replay of the 1970's, here in the UK. No, I don't mean loon pants, two-tones, bad hairdos, glam-rock and tank-tops (but you never know...). No, I mean...

19 Dec 2008

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