Transaction Banking

Group founded 25 Sep 2008
Posts 188
Members 44
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A community for discussing technology trends, views and perspective in global transaction banking

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Retired Member

It Would Almost Be Funny If It Wasn't So Sad

I guess it would be easy to say that Mr. Bernanke's recent disclosure that he was a victim of identity theft is yet another example of instant karma, cruel (or deserved) irony, cosmic justice, etc, et...

31 Aug 2009
Retired Member

IT: A True Underdog Story

I found that if you have a goal, that you might not reach it. But if you don't have one, then you are never disappointed. And I gotta tell ya, it feels phenomenal.~ Peter LaFleur Every decade or so, ...

07 Aug 2009
George Ravich

A silver lining with a smile?

Of course the silver lining had to show up at some point – at our recent US client conference, we surveyed 80 mid-sized US banks and 75% agreed that the credit crunch is presenting real and “unprecede...

06 Aug 2009
Bo Harald

54 Billion reasons in Germany

From Deutsche Bank report: “the bulk of the companies [SMEs in Germany] squander the sizeable efficiency gains that come with the introduction of digital invoices. According to estimates by researche...

31 Jul 2009
Retired Member

It's not the Mistake, it's the Response that Counts

Everyone makes mistakes; individuals, small businesses, large corporations and even government agencies. ( I made a mistake while drafting this blog and hit publish before finishing it--so if you're ...

29 Jul 2009
Retired Member

Is This Thing On? Captain Obvious - Is That You?

News Flash: "US Forest Service Study Determines - Bears ARE Dangerous" "U of M Survey Confirms - Employees Would Be Happy With Shorter Work Hours at the Same Pay" "Department ...

24 Jul 2009
Retired Member

Lost - As Defined by an 11 Year Old

Show of hands, how many of us remember the good old days? You remember those days, when "lost" meant something like: "I came home and set my car keys down and then moved some stuff arou...

22 Jul 2009
Retired Member

The Unicorn in the Middle Office - What Technology Isn't

As I've been circulating through a number of conversations with banks, financial services technology providers and colleagues in every conceivable sub-branch of the banking family tree these past few ...

20 Jul 2009
Retired Member

Are you fighting David or Goliath?

Since the widespread adoption of this wonderful gift we call the internet, companies have been trying to find a way to micro-manage all aspects of their public persona. But with 24x7x365x "howev...

17 Jul 2009
Cedric Pariente

EMV and Singapore Slings

As a french citizen, I was born Chip and Pin capable!!! Actually I have not known any other system until I went out of France. Now I'm running my own company and I'm travelling more often. I started

06 Jul 2009
Retired Member

Opportunity at Risk

According to the Financial Times story cited in this article, Morgan Stanley and Citigroup will have to wait up to two years to gain the full benefit of their $14bn-a-year brokerage joint venture due ...

16 Jun 2009
Retired Member

Disappointing Definition of Success

Just a quickie, but I read in the paper the other day that Institutional Investors were worried that the incentives for Stephen Hester to sort out RBS weren't generous enough, which is an interesting ...

15 Jun 2009

Now hiring