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Gert Raeves

Silent Killers of our time - Burgers and Spreadsheets

A recent Tabb report ‘The Enterprise Spreadsheet: Pushing towards Transparency’ highlights how firms continue to rely on spreadsheets at every level - serving as the modelling laboratory, negotiatio...

03 Mar 2009
Gert Raeves

Stop Press - Risk manager dismissed for managing risk

The latest twists in the Paul Moore story (fascinating memo in full on FT site) are extraordinary - and reinforces that risk management is central to one of the Great Credit Crunch Conundrums. What w...

12 Feb 2009
Gary Wright

Data Integration a way towards consolidation and reduction

At the FIMA conference this week in London, where I was speaking and chairing an afternoon session, the issue of Data Integration was debated, pulled apart and assessed by a whole range of expert peop...

14 Nov 2008
Gary Wright

It is not the risks we know that should worry us

There have been countless risk conferences and countless hours spent by risk managers over the years on the importance of understanding and mitigating risks in the markets. The sad fact is that recent...

07 Nov 2008
Gary Wright

Cross border settlement costs coming down

After my recent blog and article commenting on the excellent progress at EMXCo in the drive to STP in the unitised funds space, the latest news that Euroclear's FundSettle has built an automated link...

24 Oct 2008
Gary Wright

Why is ISO20022 important?

I keep hearing about ISO20022 and notice that umpteen standards committees are in full swing together with SWIFT who are somewhere in the middle but what are they trying to achieve, for whom and for w...

16 Oct 2008
Gary Wright

Stop Selling And Find The Floor

When you listen to the news and read the various reports on the financial crisis, the market's crash it is always intertwined with the problems in the economy. However, the two do not have as close a...

14 Oct 2008
Gary Wright

Business Ethics Back From The Abyss

It appears to me that the best way to start clawing back from the abyss in the financial services industry, has to be the reclamation of business ethics. The scandalous bonuses paid to people who wors...

10 Oct 2008
Gary Wright

A return to Vanilla: What will the banks do next?

One thing is for sure the banks are going to be very careful not to create financial products that look like those that have helped create the crisis. We can anticipate that many financial firms will ...

03 Oct 2008
Gary Wright

SWIFT answers the contradiction question

Last week I questioned if SWIFT were in danger of contradicting their position of only supporting a single standard by operating both ISO20022 and ISO15022 at the same time. This question certainly br...

21 May 2008
Gary Wright

Are there too many committees?

The conference I was asked to Chair last week on Corporate Actions Processing included a presentation from Linda Bookheim, Senior Manager, Custody and Asset Services, SWIFT that catalogued the many di...

22 Apr 2008
Gert Raeves

Aite sands floors and finds EDM is top

If it takes a crisis to remind people of what really matters, there is no doubt that credit crunches and rogue traders have put data management at the centre of attention. The world at large has sudd...

04 Feb 2008

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