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Finance 2.0

A community for discussing the application of Web 2.0 technologies to financial services.

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mobile banking technology challenge: HTML won

The use of mobile banking is expected to be very high in the US and in Europe as well. The handsets themselves became very clever. There is no ”smartphone” category anymore, beacuse even the medium-level handsets are smart enough to browse the internet, have at least 320x240 screen resolution and they are fast! All of this resulted that a really ...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Innovative way to attract funds

As banks are in the need of funds, new, innovative ways of attracting deposits are more interesting than ever. A new online financial service from the U.S. offers an ebay-like auction for new deposits. The model is simple: you put in the amount you can deposit and the timeframe for it. Their system collects the bids from banks (in an automated wa

Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

There's no money in blogs? But Bankaholic nets USD15m payout

One man band blog site, Bankaholic, has scooped $15m from financial portal Bankrate. The story is covered here at Mashable and here at PaidContent. Bankaholic was set up by Johns Wu who, if these stories are correct, ran the site singlehandedly. Well done John! The premium paid for the site recognizes the value of high quality audiences which c...

Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

The financial services industry flavoured TechCrunch50

TechCrunch published its TechCrunch 50 finalists in sync with its conference opening today. At first glance, of interest to anyone looking for Web 2.0 in financial services are: Shryk (CB) — Web-based financial software for children aimed at promoting financial literacy and good saving habits. Quant the News (CB) — Creator of, a ser...

Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

BBVA deploys online recommendation technology

As I have a vested interest in tracking the links between personalization, customer service and advocacy, I have been following the evolution of recommender type technologies and services, of which, unfortunately there seem to be far too many to understand to any level of detail. Strands is one of a host of organizations crowding into this arena. ...

Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

E-Gold founders face five to twenty years

Mashable has the story in some depth here, picking up on a piece in PC World. The precis is: when PayPal took a dominant market share of internet payments it could then afford to adopt the moral high ground and turn away the seamy side of the marketplace. By default E-Gold (based in Nevis) was forced to scratch about for customers and as a result...


Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

Monitor110 posts its own obituary

PaidContent seems to have the scoop on this story, Monitor110 has announced it is to close its doors. The reason stated is inability to close a second round of VC funding, after raising an initial $11m in late 2006. There are lots of companies entering the sector that Monitor110 formerly inhabited, it'll be interesting to see whether they prosper...

Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

Insight into Wells Fargo's experiences with social media

Everyone likes a good case study - Tim Collins, SVP Experiential Marketing at Wells Fargo is interviewed in this podcast (with supporting PPT site images) by Pepper & Rogers. I'd like to hear more examples like this - but who should Finextra interview?


Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Bloomberg, PayPal and Bank of America tune in to iPhone

Hats off to Bloomberg (financial fundamentals), PayPal (P2P payments) and Bank of America (mobile banking) for being ready on day one of the launch of Apple's AppStore on iTunes for iPhone widgets. But a big thumbs down to the rest of the financial services industry for such a tardy response. For an overview of some of the more interesting (non-...

/retail /wholesale

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

P2P lending and the democratisation of credit

A new study conducted by associate professor of management Paul Dholakia at Rice University's Graduate School of Management indicates that online peer-to-peer lending Web sites may be more attractive to Americans than traditional financial institutions. The study analysed a database of 5,370 peer-to-peer loan auctions from the Web site

/payments /retail

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