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Online Banking

This community is for discussion of developments in the e-banking world, including mobile banking. This can include all the functional, business, technical, marketing, web site design, security and other related topics of Internet Banking segment, including public websites of the banks and financial institutions across the globe.

Alex Bray

Alex Bray AVP, Omni-Channel Acquisition & Servicing at Genpact

30th anniversary of Internet Banking: 10 tips to stay on top

The first Internet banking service was launched by the Nottingham Building Society in 1983. Thirty years on, the face of retail banking is unrecognisable, but banks still need to grasp new technologies. Here are 10 tips to stay relevant in the fast-moving world of digital banking: 1 Stop thinking channel – instead, think about a customer interactio...

Alex Bray

Alex Bray AVP, Omni-Channel Acquisition & Servicing at Genpact

Skype-hype? Is now the time for video-chat in banking?

I worked on the first web-chat deployment at a high street bank back in 2006. At the time, we were convinced it would deliver us a range of sales and customer satisfaction benefits. And yet, it flopped. It was hard to operationalise and customers were decidedly lukewarm. I’ve been a little cynical of real-time digital communications since then, bu...

Alex Bray

Alex Bray AVP, Omni-Channel Acquisition & Servicing at Genpact

Does IBM's 2-Factor have the X Factor for Mobile Banking?

I'm a big fan – and former employee – of Big Blue. So it's always good to see the innovations that continue to emerge out of the IBM Labs. In their latest offering, reported by Finextra last week (, IBM has employed NFC technology to deliver a simple customer identification and verifica...

Alex Bray

Alex Bray AVP, Omni-Channel Acquisition & Servicing at Genpact

The Digital Dollar - generating digital channels revenue

If banks don't develop a second generation digital channels strategy, they won't be around in 10 years time. It sounds like a bold statement, but it is a pretty safe bet. Customer behaviours, right around the world, are changing at an unprecedented pace. The effect of these changes is starting to drive a sea-change in bank strategies. Banks need 's...


Alex Bray

Alex Bray AVP, Omni-Channel Acquisition & Servicing at Genpact

An African Sunrise - new dawn of Internet Banking

It was announced this week at the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation’s Annual Forum in Nigeria, that the Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI) is to be launched to drive down the artificially high internet prices in emerging African economies. Supported by individuals like Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the founder of the Web, and organisations


Olivier Berthier

Olivier Berthier CEO at Moneythor

Mobile vs. desktop-based online banking

In an era of mobile first, when any software product manager is chastised for not putting mobile front and center in any roadmap, and when online giants like Facebook pivot to mobile in a big way (or at least try to), it is worth wondering if the desktop and laptop are still important or even relevant in consuming online banking services. By the l...


Olivier Berthier

Olivier Berthier CEO at Moneythor

Retail banking customers' satisfaction does not mean loyalty

The relationship between retail banking customers and their financial institutions can often be described as strained and tumultuous. The role played by banks in the global financial crisis and its sequels of massive trading losses, Libor fixing scandals and active tax evasion scheming are certainly not doing anything to improve the confidence cus...


Alex Bray

Alex Bray AVP, Omni-Channel Acquisition & Servicing at Genpact

Sell, sell, sell! The future of Digital Banking

Digital channels are all about sales. If they aren't, then you're doing something wrong. First and foremost, banks are about creating wealth. To do that, banks need to help their customers articulate financial goals and identify financial needs. Once that has been done, banks can provide the products and services to enable customers to achieve t


Olivier Berthier

Olivier Berthier CEO at Moneythor

Cracking the PFM adoption code

The adoption of Personal Finance Management (PFM) tools is widely reported as being subpar. Most of the data on the subject is US-based so far. Analysts from Celent said some time ago that only 3.8% of all online banking users are active users of PFM solutions, the Federal Reserve said in a 2012 report that 21% of consumers currently use a PFM t...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Still missing universal reference numbers in SEPA

In a paper SEPA looks wonderful, but implementation is lacking. Just in my own experience I run in to difficulty few weeks ago, because SEPA could not deliver the promise. I paid a bill from my belgian online bank to Finland. As in Finland, companies require reference codes for automatic payment settlements. That is good and saves a lot of time/mo...

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