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Online Banking

This community is for discussion of developments in the e-banking world, including mobile banking. This can include all the functional, business, technical, marketing, web site design, security and other related topics of Internet Banking segment, including public websites of the banks and financial institutions across the globe.

Pat Carroll

Pat Carroll Founder/Executive Chairman at ValidSoft

Problem, what problem?

It’s amazing. Zeus malware is now affecting 60,000–100,000 unique Windows computers a month, according to Microsoft. But more amazing – at least to me – is how many people aren’t aware of the problem. Speaking about payments security at a recent event, I was struck by the fact that many company executives in the audience were unaware of the sheer s...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Barcode readers and mobile e-invoices

During summer I was toying around idea how mobile payments could be combined with barcode readers. Some of my friends have with their iPhone online banking app. They can scan new paper payments with camera and barcode. When scanning picture they upload document info to banking app and pay. It seems to work fine with them. For this idea, I started ...


Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Facebook isn't the problem - Identity is the problem

At an event in Indianapolis two weeks ago a banker in the audience ardently challenged me over the transparency of social networks and the subsequent risk of identity theft. There are a lot of identity theft specialists who will warn you of the risks of exposing your identity on social networks and the possibility of compromising your personal inf...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Can you fit the branch in your pocket?

The story on Spain's Banco Sabadell’s approach to new retail banking channels highlights an interesting point. Innovators in the industry are typically focused on the adoption figures of mobile banking but Banco Sabadell has turned this on its head and looked at it from a different angle - only one in five transactions are currently carried out v...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Quantifying the value of mobile banking

A recent report from KPMG assesses how the global financial community is responding to the adoption of mobile banking and mobile payments. The report is overwhelmingly positive and highlights some interesting points about the rapid developments in this innovative space. KPMG states that most large banks and many mid-size banks already offer some f...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A different mobile banking world

The world of mobile financial services here in the UK is coming on leaps and bounds following recent announcements from Orange and Barclaycard, and also from O2 to bring mobile contactless applications to the masses. However, having reviewed the market in the Middle East recently, I realised that although perceived as a region full of wealth and d...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How to design a customer centric bank

In my earlier blog I mentioned 7 innovative concepts a bank should embrace. Summarized, these were: Contextual relevance, social relevance, multi-channel presence, fun, simplicity, interactivity and networked business models. In this follow-up post we explore how banks could apply these innovations into the next generation of customer centric bank...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Banks begin to pick up the pace...

In recent blogs I have discussed the growing hype and momentum around mobile banking. However, much of the innovation in mobile banking services so far has come from outside the banking industry itself, with O2 recently announcing its mobile wallet and Google launching its wallet offering next month. There are some banks that are ramping up their ...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The genie in the smartphone ...

During my previous trip to Hong Kong I spoke of the enthusiasm for mobile financial services in that part of the world and this, in my mind, has been reaffirmed while at the GSMA Mobile Money Summit in Singapore this week. The conference has been packed full of examples of truly innovative and impressive forays into mobile banking and payments. In...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

One size doesn't fit all for mobile ...

Mobile banking is on its way and if recent developments are to go by, it is in fact fast approaching. Indeed, banks that want to keep up with the pace will need to start thinking about, if they haven’t already, which technologies they want to invest in to enable them to deliver mobile banking services. I read an article recently that featured comm...

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