Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,674
Members 208
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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Pat Carroll

When is a bank not a bank?

Increasingly the answer is “when it’s a telephone company”. Last week’s news that Canadian telco Rogers had filed for a banking licence was just the latest example of the competition between banking a...

15 Sep 2011
Retired Member

Sowing The Seeds Of The Next Housing Bubble

Here in the UK, mortgage providers are already sowing the seeds of the next housing bubble. I read in this weekend’s Telegraph about a product innovation that is ‘designed to help first-time buyers g...

13 Sep 2011
Bo Harald

Disruptive innovations

Rereading Christensen’s Innovator’s Dilemma. Some takes (emphasis mine) : - most successful enterprises get into deep trouble sooner or later and one theme common to these failures is that the decisio...

12 Sep 2011
Ward Hagenaar

Who will be the payments processor of the future?

I used to work at a large payments processor focussed on POS card transactions and ACH payments. Around 2000 we started adding e-commerce propositions, typicaly low volume high investment activity at ...

09 Sep 2011
Brett King

The new, new normal at SIBOS this year

Last year I commented at SIBOS that there was finally the realization that things weren't returning to normal - a new normal was emerging. This was a common theme emerging from the myriad of discussio...

09 Sep 2011
Brett King

The Real Threat of the Telco-Bank

The announcement that the Canadian carrier Rogers Telecom has applied for a banking license should hardly come as a shock to the retail banking fraternity. There is already a plethera of mobile carri...

08 Sep 2011
Retired Member

Post Trade Forum: Cloud computing and SaaS

Thoughts on the outcome of the debate on cloud computing and SaaS In my pursuit to understand cloud computing without frills, I found the document on NIST portal (

04 Sep 2011
Brett King

Will the US be the last developed economy to go cashless?

Although it is a long-time off yet, we can now envisage a time when most of the developed world, and indeed most of the developing world will no longer deal in hard currency. There are a number of dri...

02 Sep 2011
Bo Harald

Domestic issue - false picture

We often come across statements that e-invoicing is a domestic issue - the cross border part is so small (some 5%) that we do not really need to care. This is a false picture as can be arrived at by j...

01 Sep 2011
Pat Carroll

Catch the crooks or stop the fraud?

Every time that a fraud hits the headlines there is naturally a huge focus on how the crooks got hold of all those personal banking details – this Finextra story is a good example. But there is often ...

01 Sep 2011
Mike Kresse

The End of Paper Checks? Clues from Across the Pond

People often ask me, “Hey Mike, when do you think checks will disappear as a form of payment?” This is a good question; not just because companies like mine are focused on helping other companies Leav...

31 Aug 2011
Retired Member

The Questions on Every Treasurer's Mind

Every corporate treasurer is undoubtedly faced (on a daily basis) with the following questions: Where in the world is my cash and what currency is it in? Can I mobilize it? Do I invest or borrow? At ...

31 Aug 2011

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