Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,674
Members 208
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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Retired Member

Market Trust and Innovation

I am wondering on the origins of "market trust" and its relation to innovation. Why do some organizations create and more importantly, sustain their market trust and credibility? More specif...

07 Nov 2011
Bo Harald

When will your country become e-id-progressive?

Canada joining the self-evident model - reuse what citizens already are used to, is secure and saves tons of tax payers money. When will y...

07 Nov 2011
Pat Carroll

On fraud prevention banks need to get the balance right

Fraud prevention for financial institutions should be on the top of the agenda for banks and it seems their customers are beginning to think so too. Aite Group surveyed North American financial instit...

03 Nov 2011
Retired Member

Is privacy a dying luxury?

Earlier this summer, a story appeared in the press about a new Israeli company,, which claims to provide the ability to recognise a photograph of a face on the web, create an algorithm based ...

01 Nov 2011
Pat Carroll

Mobile wallet - who and what will be a winner?

This week, McKinsey and EFMA issued a report on the future of mobile banking in Europe. Is it a surprise? Not exactly. What strikes me about the report is that whilst banks admit that they are not in...

28 Oct 2011
Pat Carroll

How to reap rewards of m-commerce growth

A clutch of recent news stories makes all too clear the opportunities and the challenges of the mobile payments revolution. First up, research from Barclays Corporate forecasts that m-commerce in the...

20 Oct 2011
Brett King

The biggest threats to the banking sector

Recently I've been discussing with bankers, economists, strategists and futurists the future of the banking industry. At a time when we've got the likes of the"Occupation of Wall St" (#OWS)...

19 Oct 2011
Retired Member

Banks Should Embrace NFC

Of the three models that I described in my last blog – credits by invoice extension, virtual credit cards by application, and virtual credit cards by NFC – which would benefit banks most? As I alluded...

17 Oct 2011
Bo Harald

Miserable public isolation - who is holding back?

Who is holding back - governments or banks? Needed for accelerating citizens' use of government e-services: 1. That the public sector realizes that it is not the only service citizens use - and in fac...

13 Oct 2011
Mike Kresse

The Role of ISOs in Leaving the Check Behind

When we think about Leaving the Check Behind, many people do not realize what a critical role Independent Sales Organizations (ISOs) play. Card payments, and in particular single use virtual card paym...

12 Oct 2011
Bo Harald

Reflections on blogs and blogs

I got the half a million pageview message and looked into what I wrote in early 2010: " "I have been writing blogs for about 3 years and it is helping me to get some messages and information...

11 Oct 2011
Pat Carroll

What's really mind-boggling about the NY card-skimming fraud

News that 111 people were arrested last week in New York in a US$13 million card fraud scam was a useful reminder of just how easy it still is to skim credit card details in the US. NYPD Commissioner ...

10 Oct 2011

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