Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,674
Members 208
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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Bo Harald

e-id as bank service storming ahead in Finland

The most natural thing in the world is to reuse e-banking credentials, ready HABIT and TRUST for public sector and other 3rd party services when strong identification and/or contract signing is needed...

19 May 2014
Bo Harald

Banks turbo-driving e-invoicing in Finland

Almost all enterprises in the country signed up (336.000). Huge growth in transactions. Consumer volumes exploding this year as direct debit features have been integrated.

19 May 2014
Chris Errington

Exploiting the value of extended remittance information

I sat in on an interesting case study discussion at the London SWIFT business forum last week about the use of extended remittance information (ERI) to improve automation of accounts receivable and pa...

13 May 2014
Retired Member

Labour’s three objectives for banking reform

With the UK parliamentary elections only a year away, the shadow Financial Secretary to the Treasury Cathy Jamieson MP has set out Labour’s views on retail banking and the payments market in particula...

09 May 2014
Retired Member

Mystery Shopping the Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants might be transforming how banks deal with customer queries, but quantifying that the best advice and the right answer is given each time, isn’t always as simple as it seems. With mo...

08 May 2014
Brett King

Why kids don't sign and banks shouldn't either

In a recent UN/ICAO commissioned survey on the use of signatures in passports, a number of countries including the UK recommended phasing out the long held practice because it was no longer deemed of...

05 May 2014
John Cant

Would you ask someone else if they Know Your Client?

With eye watering fines and the threat of deferred prosecutions, many banks have been working hard to solve the problems of correctly identifying and screening clients for financial crime purposes ove...

26 Apr 2014
Retired Member

Effective digital transformation in your supply chain

Today, corporates across industries consider the implementation of e-invoicing systems as part of their broader e-procurement strategy. Corporates take the lead in guiding their supply chain partners ...

23 Apr 2014
Retired Member

Will Facebook become a Bank?

The Financial Times and Twitter are already ravenously commenting the not unexpected move from Facebook into financial services. Indeed, not content with being just the platform to share cat photos an...

14 Apr 2014
Paul Love

Mobile and the SOA Silver Bullet

For several years I have blogged about how many banks continue to rely on legacy systems and how the latest proverbial straw never seems to break the camel’s back. Now mobile payments and mobile banki...

11 Apr 2014
Retired Member

From Evolution to Revolution

Last month, I attended CeBIT for the Code_N event, a unique platform for innovative startups and entrepreneurs to show off new products and services. This year, the focus of the event was “driving the...

09 Apr 2014
Martin Bailey

Innovation and Insight in Financial Services

There's something about New York. The place exudes a sense of purpose. Broadway is the perfect place for a show and it seemed a fitting location for the Celent Innovation & Insight event. The them...

07 Apr 2014

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