A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.
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Henry Hilska Managing Principal at Convexity Solutions
There is an increasing amount of conversation related to the emerging technology called by the now over-used name of Blockchain. It seems an ironic use of that name since much of the actual news these days concerning solutions under development is likely not be a Blockchain solution at all, but a different form of Distributed Ledger Technology (D...
11 March 2017
Enrico Camerinelli Supply Chain Blockchain Personal Coach at Aite Group
Recent announcements from R3 warn banks to carefully watch blockchain as long as the technology remains immature. This comes at a time in which blockchain-based initiatives see financial institutions taking the driver’s seat. The path to blockchain maturity demands the guiding role of bank industry independent associations, exactly what R3 is. Thi...
07 March 2017
Bhavesh Vaghela SVP B2B Product and Innovation at Collinson
Waiting at the departure gate at Heathrow Terminal 2, dressed as an eskimo as I didn't trust the weather reports for Hamburg! The question I started to explore: Is Payment Service Directive 2 (PSD2) and Open Banking friend or foe for banks? There are 2 key players influencing change, the European Banking Authority (EBA) who have issued PSD2 and f...
02 March 2017 /regulation /retail
Retired Member
I remember reading an article in the Wall Street Journal last year that predicted how formerly resistant big banks will be adopting the public cloud in 2017. Now I know we’re only in March, but it’s time to get a move on! (Even the regulators have given cloud a green light, so no more excuses). And an unlikely accelerant may just come in the form...
02 March 2017
Edward Grant CFO & Co-Founder at Solgari
Modern-day banks want to become digital banking leaders. Customers, competition and compliance are without doubt the three ‘C’s’ fueling this development. The demand for digital innovation is growing rapidly, whilst competition in the financial markets is fierce. Couple these with the stringent regulations being placed on financial firms and it’s ...
27 February 2017
Anuj Kumar UK Financial Service Strategy Lead at SAP UK
Imagine if tennis coaches engaged with players and influenced player performance with real time insights during match play. Such an imagination wouldn’t be hard today, now would it? The best part is, that this is real. It has been real in fact for some time. The sports and fitness industry has certainly embraced the power of real time insights, so ...
27 February 2017 /retail
The general public can be incredibly suspicious, especially when it comes to the sales environment in financial services. Many clients of both secured and unsecured loan brokers will happily listen to their guidance, only to view with scepticism the products the broker eventually recommends. In most cases this is because the client, rightly or othe...
22 February 2017 /regulation
Steve Cook Digital Identity & Biometrics Consultant
Biometric technology has a number of different user cases in order to ease the customer journey. It can be used as a replacement for the user-name and password as a convenient log-in, or as a simple alternative to password re-sets. It can also be deployed for enhancing on boarding and KYC (Know Your Customer) methods. It has a tremendous advan...
21 February 2017 /security
Zameer Syed Director & Chief Architect at STROBUS InfoSoft
“Every next level of your business will demand a new you. Today, it is Digital Transformation.” Today’s Digital Economy promises to lead in an unprecedented convergence of People, Business and Things that transforms existing business models and creates new business opportunities. The wave of Digital Disruption is sweeping through businesses acro...
20 February 2017
When you think of fun, I'm sure the secure delivery of your financial data isn't the first thing that comes to mind - but why are the two mutually exclusive? Now that we’ve mastered accessing financial information through FinTech applications, we need to focus on the next generation of FinTech - Millennials and FinTech Disruptors: a generation fo...
16 February 2017 /payments
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