Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,674
Members 208
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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Vinod Sharma

Banking or Banks?

Abstract – This article is purely from my own assumptions and experience no where related to any conclusion. focused on the issues, developments and trends around banks, banking, fintech & financi...

21 Jan 2016
Charmaine Oak

New Subscribe and Save Offer from Amazon could prove sticky

As I report that Amazon has been making further inroads into the UK online shopping market, I realise it is probably an under-statement. As it was our go-to provider long before the holiday season it ...

20 Jan 2016
Bo Harald

Why does it take so long?

E-id as a bank service has been in place for soon 20-years in Finland and it serves especially well the public sector where strong e-id is often needed - but with low usage intensity. This means that...

19 Jan 2016
Bo Harald

Experience from a small country

Small countries have many disadvantages - small home markets, small languages, smaller skill pools and smaller resources - to mention a few. But they also have advantages - better opportunities for n...

11 Jan 2016
Charmaine Oak

Payments - Looking back, looking forwards

It is easy to find fault in company launches, but as a former product manager I fully understand the courage it takes to get there in the face of uncertainty, and the myriad factors that stand betwe

03 Jan 2016
Abhishek Chatterjee

Web Summit,2015 - why it’s a must attend for startups

Every business is getting disrupted by high speed Internet connectivity, smart mobile devices at low price points and availabilityof digital infrastructure & computing power on demand (CLOUD). Thi...

29 Dec 2015
Brett King

Predicting the future is hard, but online surveys are useless trending indicators

A recent study by YouGov and ACI Worldwide seemed to suggest that the whole digital disruption of banking thing all adds up to a hill of beans. The study which says that mobile banking and payments a...

19 Dec 2015
Neelesh Parekh

Hello, time to re-think omni-channel operations

Whilst we all implicitly understand the benefits of the omni-channel customer nirvana, more consideration needs to be given to the cost to serve, revenue uplift and operational impacts. Last week Adel...

02 Dec 2015
Retired Member

Securing Mobile Payments with a DEFENSE IN DEPTH

Mobile payments is the next “big thing” for consumers. But how can we keep it from becoming so for hackers as well? As our “always on” culture moves from good old plastic and chip cards to mobile phon...

30 Nov 2015
Retired Member

Fancy a quickie?

Tinder, 3nder, schminder. Welcome to the new world where non-committal promiscuity is the norm of the day (if not de rigueur), both in personal life and in business. Welcome to the "tinder"...

21 Nov 2015
Alex Noble

Law, territory and the Blockchain in Financial Services

I'm finding that I'm having very productive discussions with lawyers as ideas mature on how blockchain could be used in financial services I should stress that I'm a technologist rather than a lawyer ...

20 Nov 2015
Retired Member

DIGITAL BANKING Tips - Tip 31: DISRUPTION: Friend or Foe of Banking?

Have you ever heard the story of the six blind men who tried to find out what elephant is? Probably you did. In this story, these blind men have no idea what elephant is, decided to touch to understan...

18 Nov 2015

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