Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,674
Members 208
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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The IoT and Rural Banking in India

Can IoT transform last mile delivery of financial services to rural India? While rural banking in India is heavily reliant on channel partners and distribution networks, an emphasis on digitizing and ...

09 Nov 2017
Kunal Patel

Innovation Labs, Hackathons and Accelerators - Fad or Fab?

There has been a tremendous amount of debate as to whether innovation labs, hackathons or accelerators are indeed a success or just another way to garner public attention. The FinTech world has been a...

02 Nov 2017
Retired Member

No collaboration, No action

Whilst the world is getting smaller the workplace is getting bigger. Teams are global and offices are virtual. True collaboration has never been more crucial. Specifically in trading, effective and ef...

31 Oct 2017
Janne Jutila

Estcoin should happen

If you have interest in Estcoin and crypto currencies, please check my latest blog on #estcoin #eResidency Happy to engag...

31 Oct 2017
Alex Kreger

Ten Years of iPhone Success: What Could Banks Learn From Nokia’s Fall?

This year, Apple celebrates ten years since the iPhone launch. We can all agree that it changed the world in which we live. But, ten years ago, just a few months after the presentation of the iPhone, ...

05 Oct 2017
Retired Member

Banking on machine learning

New customer channels are changing the face of traditional banks and disrupting existing banking models. Rising mobile penetration has transformed the way consumers bank. Previously, routine tasks lik...

29 Sep 2017
Retired Member

The Digital Age of Insurance: Big Data Gets Bigger

When you hear the word ‘tech’, it is unlikely your first thought would be ‘insurance.’ Yet over the last 12 months, the insurance industry has adopted the term ‘insurtech’ with gusto, bringing with it...

28 Sep 2017
Balazs Fejes

Sci-Fi Realities: Embracing Quantum Computing’s Imminent Role

Something that was once considered science fiction is becoming a reality and, in turn, a monumental technology disruption. It’s no surprise that as the amount of data processed, analyzed and stored in...

07 Sep 2017
Tayo Abinusawa

The Future of Client Onboarding

Many of the largest financial institutions (banks, wealth and asset managers, insurance firms) in the world are currently investing a lot of money into their onboarding processes. Apart from wanting t...

24 Aug 2017
Retired Member

How are User Experience and Compliance related

This is Part 1 of our series of articles in “Digital Client Onboarding for Financial Services: Move Fast, Ask Less”. So, what does User eXperience (UX) have to do with compliance? Well, when we break...

23 Aug 2017
Stacey Small

2018 - The Year of PSD2, GDPR and Innovation

2018 is set to be a very interesting year - particularly if your role has anything to do with payments or data. The go live date for PSD2 is Saturday 13th January and GDPR a short five months later, o...

20 Aug 2017
Retired Member

From Novelty to Necessity: The Evolution of Personalisation in Financial Services

I can vividly recall, 20 years ago when I walked into my local bank branch to apply for a line of credit to purchase a car. The bank arranged a personal meeting with the manager of the branch – a un

11 Aug 2017

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