Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,677
Members 208
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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Pat Carroll

Payment Card Data Theft At The POS - Time To Knuckle Down

Recently, I wrote a piece highlighting some of the startling data released on the true costs of fraud published in a report by Lexis Nexis. This report examined the costs of fraud across a number of d...

13 Oct 2014
Retired Member

A 10 step model for delivering conduct risk culture

THE CONDUCT RISK IMPERATIVE The FCA’s recent focus on conduct risk marks a significant shift in mindset for most financial organisations. Leaving the term ‘conduct risk’ deliberately undefined, the FC...

10 Oct 2014
Alex Noble

First Direct - Lessons from Banks vs Supermarkets

I’ve long been an admirer of First Direct. Recently I’ve begun to think that First Direct might be the model for how banks defend themselves from the rise of supermarket banking. First Direct is alrea...

06 Oct 2014
Retired Member

Facebook to pay your rent

Tenants can securely make payments to their landlords through Facebook Salix Homes, a social housing provider based in Salford, in the northwest of England, is one of the first housing providers in th...

30 Sep 2014
Brett King

The Inmates are Reforming the Asylum - Innotribe

Reprinted with permission from Huffington Post... On September 17, 2011 a group of protestors gathered in Zuccotti Park in New York to protest the growing influence of corporations and the financial ...

29 Sep 2014
David Bomser

Know, Wow, and Empower Customers

Making Customer Insight Analytics Actionable Like most large commercial banks, I’m sure that my bank views my checking account for exactly what it is on its balance sheet, a liability. To be fair, I t...

16 Sep 2014
Brett King

Africa, ApplePay and the iPhone 6: Resistance is futile

If you've followed my bullish ramblings on mobile payments here at Finextra, you'll know that talk of the coming ubiquitousness of mobile payments is nothing new for me: Why Square Wallet failed, and...

10 Sep 2014
Retired Member

To those who still don't get it...

It's been a while since I blogged here at Finextra (for many reasons)... Today is a special occasion. The day Apple (and I) said "FU!" (You'll understand the context better if you glance thr...

09 Sep 2014
Brett King

Coin Card delays launch to Spring 2015, upset backers

If you've been waiting for news regarding Coin Card, then you've got a longer wait than expected. Coin launched with HUGE fanfare in November of 2013, promising to revolutionize your credit card by al...

22 Aug 2014
Pat Carroll

'PSD2' a Much-Needed Step To Uniformity and Accountability

Payment Services Directive 2.0, Why “PSD2” is A Much-Needed Step Towards Uniformity and Accountability in the European Payments Industry Rules and regulations serve many purposes, from ensuring that

18 Aug 2014
Retired Member

Will Host Card Emulation save NFC?

Coexistence: Host Card Emulation supports the coexistence between the Secure Element issuance model and the HCE CloudSE and in-software approaches. This leaves an open-door to a shift in approaches or...

14 Aug 2014
Pat Carroll

The Next Target-Style Attack This Holiday Season?

Remote Access Vulnerabilities and “Backoff” PoS Malware to Lead to Potential Next Wave of Target-Style Attacks this Holiday Season Data breaches, identity theft and stolen payment card credentials are...

11 Aug 2014

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