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Innovation in Financial Services

A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

e-banking high up

What are Internet users doing on the net? A new study (Redera) produced the following for Finland: - looking for information 97% - e-banking 95% - customer feedback 76% - public sector services 71% - shopping 70% - inquiries (about merchandi...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mobile payments - a tale of princes, laws and treasures

In the previous post we've looked at mobile payments in a glance, why there's a huge chance today and what are the biggest challenges. In this post I will start diving deeper into them, and suggest a few ideas. There's a group of very talented guys I know, who used to work at this IT Company in Israel that was a part of the mobile industry. They ...

/payments /regulation

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Innovations do not come from outer space

Innovations do not come from outer space - technology often comes - at least from space. There is a long way for new technology to become an invention, then give birth to a business idea which has the potential of becoming an innovation - a new practise which eventually is adopted by a critical mass of potential users - and then becomes the much s...


Stanley Epstein

Stanley Epstein Associate at Citadel Advantage Group

Legacy Thinking

I have just been running a series of training courses in Johannesburg on various banking subjects and something that one of the course participants said really struck a chord in me and in the group that she was a participant in. What happened was this; we had been discussing the various barriers to progress in the realm of electronic banking and th...

Uri Rivner

Uri Rivner CEO and Co-Founder at Refine Intelligence

First Bullet Fired in a Virtual War

I’m interrupting my series of 2009 mega-trends and 2010 projections to discuss the current situation in cybercrime. What a crazy week. First Google says it is prepared to pull its business out of China after cybercriminals used Trojans to hack into Gmail accounts of anti-Chinese government human rights activists. Then it becomes clear over 30 corp...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

No more secrets: managing risk when access control breaks

This post is a first in a series I will be exchanging with Allison Miller, one of my esteemed colleagues in Paypal's Risk organization, in her reinstated blog. “Man may be defined as the animal that can say "I," that can be aware of himself as a separate entity”. (Erich Fromm) “Identity” is a widely debated term, in various areas; Phil...

/payments /regulation

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Pyramid upside down - finally

When we started e-banking back in -82 we saw it as a pyramid. A very broad base where customers do their everyday banking on PCs - checking balances, paying bills, getting notifications on direct debit etc. On this "habit" base and frequent traffic it was then possible to add tens of additional services - more seldom needed - all the way...


Uri Rivner

Uri Rivner CEO and Co-Founder at Refine Intelligence

Good Times in Fraudland: Part II

In my first of three entries summarizing 2009 online fraud trends, I suggested that there had never been a better time to be a cybercriminal, and talked about the high grade Trojans currently available to fraudsters. But to use a modern warfare analogy, even if you have nuclear weapons they aren’t really effective without a robust ballistic missil...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Deconstructing Zynga: what's up in Social Gaming fraud

Talking to friends in a party I had to hold myself from becoming too smuggy-smug-smug. Yep, the lot of "I'm too good for Mafia Wars" geeks fell prey to the eggplant-growing rhythm of Farmville. Eggplants. My friends. I don’t even like eggplants, but still felt responsible in a way, though they’re only a drop in Zynga’s estimated 15M+...

/payments /regulation

Nick Ogden

Nick Ogden Chairman at Ogden Research

Time to restore consumer confidence

So, it’s January 2010; the hangovers are subsiding and everyone is gearing up for the New Year and the opportunities and challenges it will bring. This time last year in his speech to the CBI Mervyn King talked about consumer confidence and pronounced that there had been ‘a widespread collapse of confidence in banking systems in the industrialised...

/security /payments

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