Innovation in Financial Services

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 12 Nov 2007
Posts 1,674
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A discussion of trends in innovation management within financial institutions, and the key processes, technology and cultural shifts driving innovation.

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Retired Member

EC's 16 actions towards massive e-invoicing adoption

In 2020 e-invoicing has to be the predominant method of invoicing in Europe, according to European Commission. In its Communication ‘Reaping the benefits of electronic invoicing for Europe’ and in

10 Dec 2010
Bo Harald

ISO-standard for e-invoicing getting support

Support for implementation of first global ISO-standard is starting to appear - also in Russia. And by SWIFT: It so makes sense for countries ...

10 Dec 2010
Bo Harald

Demise of cash

Nick Jones blogged about cash. We managed to eliminate private cheques in Finland in 1983 by putting a charge (8c) on the cheque forms (picked up or mailed). At the same time there was a big drive for...

08 Dec 2010
Retired Member

Plastic more popular than cash?

So, it’s official, for the first time plastic is more popular than cash. It’s been on the cards for a while - the inexhaustible rise in the use of debit and credit cards to pay for goods and services ...

08 Dec 2010
Bo Harald

EU Commission request delivered - global standard

The EU-commission asked the Expert Group on e-Invoicing to come up with a standard for Europe – a global one. Now it has been delivered. The global standard has now been published. Much asked for, h

07 Dec 2010
Retired Member

Its Banking Next

For several weeks now, I’ve watched in amazement as the Bombay Stock Exchange’s benchmark index traded at barely 10% off its highs of January 2008. While India may be an outperformer, that still does ...

07 Dec 2010
Tim Tyler

Should 'social' mean 'shared'?

I've been considering how banks can leverage social media sites recently, and was not that surprised when looking further that there is very little 'bank' presence in these areas. Having just read the...

06 Dec 2010
Bo Harald

Excellent paper from the EU Commission most here: Loud and clear. It all starts with migratio

02 Dec 2010
Bo Harald

966 billion reasons for split paymentVAT

If we want avoid a clear fall in living standards and financing capability of welfare services in EU - we need better productivity and just collection of lower taxes. The split payment VAT is an ide

02 Dec 2010
Bo Harald

118,8bn euros lost in 2009

From EU Green Paper on VAT: "The current collection model brings with it a VAT Gap due to e.g. VAT fraud, insolvencies, mistakes by the taxable persons in the VAT return and VAT avoidance schem...

02 Dec 2010
Tim Tyler

Walled gardens or windmills?

Is there a chance that Apple will push the use of iTunes as a payment mechanism beyond its own virtual store (imagine shopping on Amazon and paying using your iTunes account)? Will Google look to la

01 Dec 2010
Retired Member

Financial Recovery or Storm Clouds on the Horizon

Since the financial world reeled in shock at that collapse of Lehman Brothers and the subsequent fallout in the World’s financial markets the banking community has been in a mode of self preservation....

01 Dec 2010

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