Business Knowledge for IT

Group founded 23 Oct 2007
Posts 120
Members 25
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This community aims to provide links, resources, book suggestions, tips and insights to facilitate learning and development of IT professionals in financial services, and to develop a forum for IT professionals to exchange views on various related items.

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ATM Shimming and The Death of EMV 2

Sequels are never as good as the original. For the second time in ten years I am drawn to yet another media frenzy concerning the apparent premature death of EMV. Really? The story surrounds a hardw...

31 Aug 2015
Retired Member

7 Things Every CIO Should Know About Mobile App Development

Introduction In the years since the launch of the iPhone in 2007 we have seen a huge shift in the power base in the IT world. Probably the most significant change is that your IT department is no long...

04 Dec 2013
Retired Member

Why the 10,000 Hour Rule Matters in Software Development

Introduction I’ve just recently finished reading two books. The first was “Bounce: Mozart, Federer, Picasso, Beckham, And the Science of Success” by Matthew Syed. He is a British journalist and broad...

22 Nov 2012
Retired Member

So You Want Your Software On Time and On Budget?

Introduction I’ve been working in the software industry for over 30 years and one thing hasn’t changed in that time. Clients, quite understandably, continue to want software delivered on time and on b...

03 Oct 2012
Retired Member

Stop Wasting Money On Software You Don't Need!

THE BIGGEST SCANDAL IN SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Many years ago I was invited by a UK FTSE 100 company to a meeting to discuss a project to audit one of their legacy applications and to make recommendation...

10 Sep 2012
Retired Member

7 Reasons Why Software Development Is So Hard

Introduction I’m often asked by lay people why we humans can undertake large construction or engineering projects with relative success and yet we struggle to deliver software projects without bugs an...

08 Aug 2012
Retired Member

I trust your passport, BUT ...

I recall a passionate debate in 2011 with some colleagues on if internationally trusted national passports (sometime in future) will be ever trusted by businesses to allow people access to their premi...

10 May 2012
Retired Member

IRS issues new FATCA guidelines

IRS yesterday issued Notice 2011-53. This Notice is the third that addresses the US law that was enacted back in March 2010 - the Hiring Incentives to restore Employment Act. Title V of that Act was...

15 Jul 2011
Retired Member

Incompatibility in card technology? Not really.

I decided to write this after seeing a summary of Aite Group’s report concerning U.S. cardholders and their experience abroad. It states that “The promise of ubiquitous card payments acceptance falls ...

30 Oct 2009
Retired Member

Is the PEN mightier than the PIN?

Despite chip and pin and its promise to secure card transactions, what makes the PEN still mightier than the PIN? The answer has something to do with interchange fees and security (zero liability for ...

15 Dec 2008
Elton Cane

Business practices no longer patentable in the US

This ruling is going to have a huge impact on the financial and software industries if it's not overturned on appeal (which I hope it isn't). Interesting to see that State Street Bank started the que...

31 Oct 2008
Retired Member

Introduction to Financial Technology

Book: Introduction to Financial Technology (Complete Technology Guides for Financial Services) I am through just approx 30 pages or so (of 368), and already impressed with the way technology and some ...

23 Oct 2007

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