Operational Risk Management

Group founded 06 Sep 2007
Posts 55
Members 17
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To share information, ideas and experience relating to all aspects of op-risk management and compliance with Basel II

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Gary Wright

Is There A Solution To Identity Theft?

Hardly a day goes by before a new story hits the headlines about another fraud. No one it seems is immune from the French president to the man in the street, small businesses to large corporations, th...

23 Oct 2008
Gary Wright

DTCC merger with LCH Clearnet

This news is just what the market needed to hear. One of the hopes for the future is that the finance industry not only recovers from the current crisis but changes its structure fundamentally to prev...

23 Oct 2008
Gary Wright

Crisis at AIM as listings dry up

At this week's Corporate Finance forum the financial crisis was, as expected, at the top of the agenda. Two speakers presented equally doom laden news and the general mood was as downbeat as you can ...

20 Oct 2008
John Cant

Excel is like a chainsaw

Excel is a powerful tool. Like a chainsaw, in the hands of a skilled operator it is hugely effective – but in untrained or rushed hands and without the proper safety equipment it can be positively dan...

15 Oct 2008
Stanley Epstein

Lip Service

A key element in the development of any tangible product is the risk analysis that is (or should be) included in the design stage. If I build this object/product as specified, how safe is it going to ...

08 Oct 2008
Gary Wright

Has the European dream begun to fail?

The economic crisis is a worldwide problem of gargantuan proportions, which is causing an increasing number of Governments to take unusual and dynamic actions to try and prop up the banking system aga...

07 Oct 2008
Gary Wright

Staff shortage will threaten recovery

The lay offs have already begun as banks look to bring their costs down and protect their profitability. UBS were the latest to cut 2000 jobs and they will not be the last as the crisis begins to bite...

06 Oct 2008
Gary Wright

Liquidity Risk Management

At the Thomson Reuters Liquidity forum this week, the issue of liquidity risk was debated amongst a panel and audience of experts. There is no doubt about the vital importance of liquidity within mark...

02 Oct 2008
Roy McPherson

Whoops there goes another .....

Those of a certain age will recognise those words as the chorus to an awful song about disappearing rubber plants; don't ask. But, what on earth is happening in the financial community, whoops there g...

29 Sep 2008
John Cant

Integration skills now key to future banking success

As we can see from this news on JP Morgan's takeover of WaMu, hardly a day has gone by over recent weeks without a new banking takeover being announced. The ability of the acquiring banks to merge, in...

29 Sep 2008
Richard Barr

Who is to blame for the current financial markets crisis

Who’s to blame for the current financial markets crisis? The simple answer is everybody! That out of the way, onto my rant.. When Mortgage Brokers and Bankers are pushing home loans like too much cand...

29 Sep 2008
Roy McPherson

Sibos - Liquidity Management

If like me you attended the Sibos Vienna Conference your liver will by now be just about moving along the path to recovery, and in the meantime I have the opportunity to reflect on a very hectic week...

25 Sep 2008

Now hiring