Capital Markets Technology

Group founded 14 May 2007
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Guy Melamed

Fusing Market Infrastructure Technology: Exploring The ‘Buy, Build And Integrate’ Approach

Change is afoot when it comes to market infrastructure technology. The old arguments over “buy vs build” have been relegated. Instead, firms are touting a “buy, build and integrate” approach, combinin...

08 Feb 2024
Guy Melamed

New Take on Trading Technology: How to Navigate the Cloud-Tech Arms Race

We’re on the cusp of a new arms race. That is the description given to the phenomenon involving the world’s largest cloud service providers competing to invest into the largest financial exchanges. L...

18 Jan 2024
Anusha Sivaramakrishnan

AI regulations – a global round up

Artificial Intelligence is advancing at an exponential rate and rapidly changing the world around us in all sectors. Being cognizant of the risks associated, the countries around the world have starte...

17 Jan 2024
Steve Wilcockson

Niklaus Wirth, and How Financial Computing Can Help Save The Planet

More than a few computing luminaries have sadly passed over recently, unsurprising given many pioneers from the fifties, sixties, and seventies reaching end of life. One who caught my eye was Niklaus ...

11 Jan 2024
Kuldeep Shrimali

Transform thematic investing leveraging AI

Prologue The thematic investing allows clients to invest in long-term ideas and trends and enables them to capture potential opportunities emerging due to economic, technological, and social changes. ...

18 Dec 2023
Drake Paulson

Private Equity's New Frontier: Targeting Individual Investors Amidst Rising Challenges

The democratization of private markets has captured the industry’s attention, and it’s easy to understand why. Individual investors own about half of the estimated $275 trillion in global assets under...

12 Dec 2023
Kuldeep Shrimali

Client onboarding an everlasting priority for wealth firms

Introduction Globally, the leading wealth management firms keeps on transforming its client onboarding capabilities to elevate the customer experience. Seamless client onboarding remains at core of cu...

06 Dec 2023
Kuldeep Shrimali

US Retirement providers – Adapting to new reality

Introduction The leading retirement firms are gearing up to respond to change in client’s financial needs. Firms have seen increase in demand for retirement plan, holistic financial advice, and financ...

25 Oct 2023
Ravishankar Poonjolai

Generative AI use cases for Asset Management Firms

Our generation is witness to the emerging power of current game-changer Generative AI (GenAI), which is a deep learning technique of Artificial Intelligence within Machine Language umbrella. It’s a th...

17 Aug 2023
Yaniv Zecharya

Modern Organizations Need a Zero Trust Approach to Security; Here’s Why

Tackling fraud in the modern era takes more than just a secure login process. Accelerated by the global pandemic in 2020, organizations around the globe have shifted their business models to be more...

27 Jul 2023
Chandresh Pande

Execution Algorithms - Slice, Dice and Rejoice?

Abstract FX markets have witnessed a rapid technological overhaul for the past few years. Digital transformation of the FX value chain over the years has led to sophisticated pre-trade analytics, elec...

17 Jul 2023
Simon Gegen

ETFs and diversification: How to build a well-rounded portfolio

Investing in the stock market can offer excitement and potential financial gain, but it's essential to recognize that all investments carry inherent risks. There are a few certainties regarding manag

07 Apr 2023

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