Finextra50 fintech index

Founded by Elton Cane
Group founded 11 May 2007
Posts 43
Members 6
Group summary

The Finextra50 Financial Technology Index is a free-float value weighted index of the world's leading companies that provide technology-based products and services to the financial services industry. It was set at an indexed value of 100 at market close on Friday 4th May 2007. This is a community for discussing the index, its movements and wider M and A activity in the fintech world.

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Paul Penrose

City exposed as institutionally corrupt and morally bankrupt

A broker writes: "Behind the headline-grabbing stories of rogue traders losing billions, the more mundane, day-to-day world of high finance is as wild and unregulated today as it ever has been. B...

06 May 2008
Paul Penrose

Granville's insolvency a sign of things to come

The descent into administration of UK business intelligence vendor Granville Associates reawakens the spectre of insolvency for smaller software companies in the fintech space. For the best part of t...

02 May 2008
Paul Penrose

Thomson Reuters fails intelligent information test

The newly-merged Thomson Reuters combo made an inauspicious start to its first day's trading yesterday. Brokers, spooked by the rising tide of red ink and job losses in the investment banking sector, ...

18 Apr 2008
Paul Penrose

CEBR Cassandras accused of over-optimism

The CEBR forecast for 20,000 credit crunched job losses in the City of London has been trumped by a new analysis from JPMorgan property analysts which puts the total number of redundancies at somethin...

15 Apr 2008
Elton Cane

Software scapegoats for the sub-prime situation

Fair Isaac is the technology company most damaged by the subprime crisis. In fact some banks, such as HSBC Finance, have said its ubiquitous FICO credit scoring system contributed to the problem by

02 Apr 2008
Paul Penrose

Price war looms for European exchanges

European exchanges had best get ready for another round of fierce price cutting following the announcement by the US-based Bats ECN that it is to set up an operation in London. The Bats ECN launched ...

31 Mar 2008
Paul Penrose

Dimon fills his boots with Visa and Bear double-whammy

It's a safe bet that Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan's chief executive won't be losing too much sleep after legal snags and investor opposition forced the firm to quintruple it's offer for Bear Stearns from the...

25 Mar 2008
Paul Penrose

Misys gets reverse Midas touch

Misys boss Mike Lawrie and largest shareholder ValueAct Capital seemed to be onto a winner when they announced a deal earlier this week to spin off the company’s ailing healthcare business and merge i...

20 Mar 2008
Elton Cane

Finextra launches market data and analysis on fintech sector

We have launched a new market data section on, which will provide market data and financial analysis across the different subsectors within the financial technology industry worldwide. Af...

13 Feb 2008
Elton Cane

Why predict Eurex as a survivor and not Deutsche Boerse?

This recent TowerGroup report makes some interesting predictions, and has sound reasons for picking its five suvivors in the global exchange land grab. On one hand I can see why they have picked Eurex...

12 Feb 2008
Elton Cane

IBM results are good news for fintech sector

After previewing its fourth quarter results on Monday, IBM yesterday provided more details yesterday, which provided a boost for the tech sector generally. And although it may be too early to tell, th...

18 Jan 2008
Elton Cane

M and A can be addictive, even if you're not very good at it

A new report from Deloitte Research on M&A trends contains some interesting findings. Although it is based on a wide survey of active acquirers earlier this year, when deal value and volumes were...

15 Nov 2007

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