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Regulatory technology, is a new technology that uses information technology to enhance regulatory processes. With its main application in the Financial sector, it is expanding into any regulated business with a particular appeal for the Consumer Goods Industry. Often regarded as a subcategory under FinTech, RegTech puts a particular emphasis on regulatory monitoring, reporting and compliance and is thus benefiting the finance industry.

Frank Cummings

Frank Cummings CEO at AML Partners LLC

Hosted Managed Services for KYC/AML, really?

Hosted Managed Services--A crucial option for institutions striving to maximize RegTech capabilities, focus on core business Custom fit. Tailored. Bespoke. Made to order. If you’ve been tracking trends in RegTech and GRC solutions, you might recognize how those terms describe an innovative new direction: hosted managed services. Prior to the pande...


Katie Hunter

Katie Hunter Senior Marketing Manager at Aveni

5 technologies to help firms comply with Consumer Duty

The Consumer Duty final guidance comes with big requirements for evidence. Firms will need to deploy advanced data-driven technology solutions to meet the regulator’s data-focused demands, ultimately adapting their approach and processes in order to comply. As well as regulatory compliance, applying the right technology has the additional benefit ...


Fatemeh Nikayin

Fatemeh Nikayin Co-Founder at Rivero

Card scheme compliance is becoming harder than ever – here’s why!

Maintaining compliance is crucial to any financial institution’s ability to provide services – yet this must be balanced with investing in innovative capabilities that allow for service improvement, market expansion, and customer service improvement. This balancing act is particularly challenging in this part of the world: according to Lexis Nexis...

/payments /regulation

Frank Cummings

Frank Cummings CEO at AML Partners LLC

I Am Not a Boss or a Leader; I Am an Enabler

I Am Not a Boss or a Leader; I Am an Enabler I have been around the block far more times than I would like to count. I have been led, and I have led. And I have come to realize that neither will make you truly successful. Leading organizations large or small does not mean you are successful. It means you played the game well enough to be allowed to...


Frank Cummings

Frank Cummings CEO at AML Partners LLC

Know Your World - Closing the circle of due diligence

Financial institutions globally have enhanced Customer Due Diligence/Know Your Customer procedures to the point of pure art. In some cases, institutions collect over 600 individual fields of information, and some use upwards of 14 data interfaces to support a mix of internal systems and external data providers. It’s getting to the point where we


Katie Hunter

Katie Hunter Senior Marketing Manager at Aveni

How your FS business can reduce costs in a high inflation environment

Global inflation rates have been consistently on the rise over the past year. The high inflation is driven by high energy prices, issues in supply chains and an increase in consumer demand. While focus has been largely on the effect this is having on the general population, there are also ramifications on businesses, particularly those within the ...


Frank Cummings

Frank Cummings CEO at AML Partners LLC

Digital Transformation Time--Again?

'Digital Transformation' sellers—a.k.a. the “cookie-jar consultants”--are at it again It’s happening again: Claims of digital-transformations-solve-all-problems are everywhere. I don’t want to sound too boomer-ish, but we have been down this tech-solves-all road a couple times before. And many leaders will believe the hype: Transform your digit


Nickii Mallia

Nickii Mallia Business Development Manager at Aqubix Ltd - KYC Portal

Importance of having a trustworthy KYC system - In-house vs Third Party Providers

You never get a second chance to make a great first impression and since onboarding a new client is your first main contact between your company and your new client, the experience should not be confusing or frustrating. The onboarding experience is often viewed as the foundation for what dealing with your company will be like, so having a trustwo...

/regulation /retail

Frank Cummings

Frank Cummings CEO at AML Partners LLC

ESG--The People's Regulator?

Environmental and Social Governance may force different decision-making in ethical gray areas of revenue streams Unlike Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC), Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) prioritizes informing the public on how corporations handle their environmental and social obligations. Regulatory reporting remains a feature o


Katie Hunter

Katie Hunter Senior Marketing Manager at Aveni

How the FCA's Consumer Duty of Care has made Speech Analytics Essential

Speech analytics has been commonly used for a number of years, evolving from a novelty add-on to a powerful solution for businesses to improve their processes. With the Financial Conduct Authority’s Consumer Duty of Care proposal, speech analytics has gone from being a nice-to-have to a necessity that firms must adopt to meet requirements or risk ...

/regulation /startups

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