Data Management and Governance

Founded by Tejasvi Addagada
Group founded 03 Apr 2020
Posts 47
Members 3
Group summary

Anything that can be used to better manage and govern data.

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Barley Laing

Direct mail: the standout communications channel for financial services in 2022

Direct mail has long been a vital communications channel for financial services. It’s used to engage with customers and prospects on everything from information on fluctuating interest rates to new lo...

19 Jan 2022
Yahya Mohamed Mao

Cyber security awarness month: cyber threats to financial services

Cyber security Awareness Month continues in its 18th year to raise awareness of the importance of cyber security and to ensure that everyone has the resources they need to be safer online. For consume...

18 Oct 2021
Alastair Goodwin

Company policies are essential, even for start-ups

Right now all your energy is consumed on building your service, MVP’s, winning pilots, initial sales and building towards your next investment round. The last thing you need is to spend time writing c...

21 Sep 2021
Jim Steven

How can businesses avoid data breach blind spots?

Data breaches require considerable time and resources to resolve. The damage can be extensive, from financial costs and operational downtime to untold reputational harm, while the shift to remote work...

06 Sep 2021
Tejasvi Addagada

What does it take to Monetize data in your organization for improved benefits?

Most banks are experiencing an upward curve in In-directly monetizating data to increase revenue. This involves analyzing the existing data trove and revealing insights that can improve the organizati...

18 Jul 2021
Tejasvi Addagada

Aspects of data quality, an Artificial Intelligence unit has to focus on for better outcomes

Clean Data is a crucial need to get an outcome from Machine Learning models. Often much time to the tune of 40% is spent on understanding and cleaning data before modeling and providing an outcome. Sc...

04 Jul 2021
Gregoire Haftman

The 8 principles of good data management

“There is so much data out there, but I spend more time on reconciling, verifying and mapping it, rather than actually analysing it to enrich my decision-making process.” Sound familiar? Then you’re n...

03 Jun 2021
Jim Steven

How businesses should prepare for a data breach

The Covid-19 pandemic has forever changed the business landscape. From how customers now expect to interact with companies in a seamless, digital journey to how best to confirm the identity of both ne...

01 Jun 2021
Joris Lochy

Data providers - Valuable partners for every player in the financial industry

Expressions like "Data is the new oil" are already becoming a cliché on social media, but there is still a lot of truth to them. Obviously with customer centricity and hyper-personalization ...

18 May 2021
Barley Laing

Time to spring clean customer databases to drive growth

The last twelve months have been a challenging time for many in financial services, with the pandemic and also Brexit to contend with. This means it’s more important than ever to look at all options t...

12 Apr 2021
Nick Green

Lenders: Do you trust your data sources?

It’s increasingly difficult to achieve a reliable data set – and that could mean you can’t trust the information shared within your lending organisation. So, what’s the solution? In this blog, we expl...

09 Apr 2021
Lynda Kershaw

Don’t let legacy application challenges hold back your digital transformation

We all recognize that the pandemic has made digital transformation a more urgent priority for financial services organisations. With employees working from home and many more customers wanting to do b...

11 Mar 2021

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