The pace of evolution for many corporate finance and accounting functions is accelerating. The mandate of the CFO is expanding and the challenges they face accumulating. This blog is an exploration of these topics.
As the owner, you will also give up ownership if you leave this group.
François Lacas Deputy COO at Yooz UK
From all the negativity 2020 has brought with it for finance departments, one silver lining could be the rapid and immediate digitalisation of financial functions, argues Magali Michel, Director at Yooz. The issue of paper statements and invoices stuffed into cardboard boxes in the corner of the office has dogged traditional, or old-fashioned, fina...
10 December 2020 /payments
Keith Stanton International Product Manager (Fraud & Risk) at FIS
2020 has been a challenging for many reasons – the global situation has changed the face many industries – perhaps forever. For many years, the payments industry has spoken about the replacement of cash as a means of payment. Indeed, the National Audit Office in the UK states that only 3 in every 10 transactions are now cash and had projected that...
23 October 2020 /crime /covid-19
Peter Davidson Business Consultant at Self Employed
Being a human resource manager or a compensation professional, the exercise of doing a compensation planning every year is a tedious task. With companies keeping their merit increase budget same year-on-year, it has become a challenge to reward and engage the right employee, more so, when the economy has been hit the hardest with COVID. Sluggish g...
20 September 2020 /covid-19
Adam Holden Chief Executive Officer at NorthRow
Digital Transformation (DT), is nothing new; it’s an industry in itself that has become diluted to a point where it has virtually lost its meaning. However it represents a step-change in the speed at which customer user experience (UX) and service innovation is delivered by regulated businesses. This should be throughout the customer journey, from...
25 June 2020
Source: CBOE VIX Options Stock markets, futures markets, and general business sentiment have taken a pounding since the devastating coronavirus outbreak, more recently renamed COVID-19. After a semi-rally mid-week, stock markets have retraced and surrendered gains on the back of an avalanche of negative data vis-a-vis the latest virus from Hubei
18 February 2020 /markets /covid-19
Niall Twomey Chief Technical Officer at Fenergo
In the previous blog, I examined the current compliance challenge and how e-KYC utilities can solve the age-old challenges of collection, validation and processing of customer data and documentation. In this blog, I look at the KYC utility models of the past and the three key learnings we can take from these experiments for the second coming of e-...
11 February 2020 /regulation
Tim Scammell Office of the CFO at SAP
Today's executives are facing mounting pressures from a variety of new sources. The Traditional demands of product evolution and revenue generation remain unchanged. However, the wide-ranging ramifications of digitisation are forcing business leaders to evaluate new dimensions, such as customer experience, channel management, IoT, blockchain, and ...
29 January 2020 /inclusion
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