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Cryptocurrency Insights

Trading crypto insights from the heart of the industry - the platform that delivers solutions and liquidity to institutions.

Ivan Soto-Wright

Ivan Soto-Wright CEO at MoonPay

How cryptocurrency is democratising our financial system

In 2021 roughly a third of the entire global adult population remains unbanked — an estimated 1.7 billion people that have been left behind by the shortcomings of an outdated, inadequate, and inefficient financial system. If we are going to make this right, we need to overhaul current legacy systems and create something that’s fair, inexpensive, o...

/payments /inclusion

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A new impulse. Why may Bitcoin cost USD 100K already this year?

Over the past three months, the main cryptocurrency has tripled in price. Experts have named the conditions under which it would grow twice more this year. On the night of March 18, the Bitcoin price again approached the $60K mark. The first cryptocurrency began to actively grow in price after it had broken the $20K mark in December last year. The...

/inclusion /crypto

Kaustuv Ghosh

Kaustuv Ghosh Managing Partner at Volante Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

Crypto Exchanges-A Change from Everything We Knew

Dear Friends, Are crypto exchanges a global or local phenomenon? And how should investors evaluate them? I decided to pursue this question because crypto exchanges are bending the usual conventions around venture capital investing. First, it is very difficult to draw a comparison with traditional exchanges and brokerages. These are mostly local. O...

/payments /crypto

Retired Member

Retired Member 

1 mln USD price and the replacement of the dollar. The brightest forecasts of Bitcoin

After the correction, the flagship digital coin continues to recover in price and at 13:30 traded at $55.1K. On February 28, the price of Bitcoin fell to a local low of $43.5K. This happened after the cryptocurrency reached a historic high at $58.3K on February 21. Volatility in quotations are accompanied by various statements of media personaliti...

/inclusion /crypto

Retired Member

Retired Member 

It is too Early to Talk about the End of the Correction

The value of the main digital coin again stormed the mark of $52K, although on Sunday it dropped to $43K. What news was the reason that the value of the cryptocurrency fell and recovered, and how much it can grow in the near future. On Wednesday, March 3, Bitcoin quotes on the Binance crypto exchange again approached the mark of $52K. At the peak,...

/inclusion /crypto

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Is It Too Late to Invest in Bitcoin?

In February 2011, Bitcoin cost $1. 10 years has passed and BTC is $51,000. Having spent $100 to buy Bitcoins back then, you would have $5,100,000 today. This could be considered one of the best investments of the 21st century, unattainable for the stock market and other assets. After such a shocking takeoff, most people consider the lost profit and...


Louisa Murray

Louisa Murray COO Europe at Railsbank

Are banks preparing to board the Bitcoin bandwagon?

Compliance is a word that often crops up in discussions around Bitcoin, though it generally takes a backseat to terms like ‘bounce’, ‘pump’ and ‘moon.’ Those who hold the cryptocurrency – and those who delightedly document its thrilling price movements – generally focus on its speculative appeal. But despite huge institutional inflows from the lik...

/crypto /predictions

Retired Member

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Crypto forecast for the first half of 2021

The beginning of 2021 gave a lot of all-time-high maximums for a number of cryptocurrencies, that in turn led to a series of positive forecasts for 2021. So, for example: Citi analysts predict the price of Bitcoin at the level of $300,000 at the end of 2021. Although JPMorgan does not give exact numbers, it confirms that Bitcoin has the potential ...

/inclusion /crypto

Adrian Pollard

Adrian Pollard Trader and Crypto Enthusiast at ISTANEX

Top 3 White Label Open-Source Crypto Exchange Platforms

Starting a fintech business is now free due to open-source crypto technology and exchange software The crypto technology is getting expotentially more powerful than traditional fintech tech Building with the technology is getting easier as more blockchains become standardized and widely adopted People are building a preference for crypto exchage

/startups /crypto

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Transparency vs Regulation Against Market Manipulation

As summer of 2020 is coming to an end, the DeFi movement is peaking. With ETH up over 70% in July, the total value locked in leading decentralized finance protocols surpassed $7 billion, making it impossible for both crypto and traditional finance industry not to pay attention. As access to the new internet for developers is simplified through too...

/regulation /crypto

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