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Cryptocurrency Insights

Trading crypto insights from the heart of the industry - the platform that delivers solutions and liquidity to institutions.

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The Big Apple to embrace crypto with mayor Adams

New York city has gotten itself a bullish bitcoin mayor, Erik Adams. Although November 3rd was an election day in the United States, it wasn’t considered a major election as the Presidency and congressional seats were not up for grabs. But it was a preview for what is to come for the Big Apple and other major cities across the U.S as the country f...

/people /crypto

Gabriel Hopkins

Gabriel Hopkins Chief Product Officer at Ripjar

Cryptocurrencies, Central Banks, Coffees and Cab Drivers

After decades of working in technology, I thought I knew about the latest tech trends, so it was surprising in 2015 or 2016 to get some advice from a taxi driver that I was missing out on investing in Bitcoin. He was driving a mid-range people carrier, which was not made out of precious metals, so I nodded and agreed and ignored him. I wonder wher

/crypto /predictions

Paul Kitchener

Paul Kitchener Technical Marketing Manager at Speakerbus

After The Hype: There’s More to Smart Contracts than Collectable NFT's

Smart contracts have struck mass public consciousness in a big way in the form of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT's). More than $2 billion was spent on NFTs, during the first quarter of 2021 - representing an increase of about 2,100% from Q4 2020. Even Visa is getting in on the NFT craze buying a 24x24 pixel 8-Bit style character for about $150,000. But...


Gustavo De La Torre

Gustavo De La Torre Director of Business Development at

Sorry, Warren and gang, but crypto isn't going anywhere

Legislators come and go, but some things stick around, despite the best attempts to make a change. Enter center stage Sen. Elizabeth Warren and colleagues—as well as a few academics in the likes of Robert Manning—who've made headlines the last month scolding cryptocurrency and the dangers it poses to the financial system and cybersecurity. The arg...

/regulation /crypto

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A Complete Guide to Developing an NFT Marketplace for Art

Introduction Nonfungible tokens or NFT as they are commonly known have become a buzzword not only for crypto enthusiasts but also for artists and investors. It has become one of the most lucrative territories to invest in the blockchain space. What made them famous and what makes it easy for you to enter this territory of profitability? Let us f

/inclusion /crypto

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Litecoin and Walmart

The anthology of a fake. Litecoin's price skyrockets by 36% in 20 minutes and goes back down. On Monday, the web was discombobulated when reports emerged that Walmart, one of the largest retailers in the world, was allegedly about to start accepting Litecoin as payment. The news was shared by major media outlets such as CNBC and Reuters. Within 20 ...

/inclusion /crypto

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway Development | Best Crypto Development Solutions

The cryptocurrency was dismissed as a fanciful figment of imagination even when the first bitcoin was introduced in 2009. Today, however, cryptocurrency and the blockchain technology have become undeniable and inevitable parts of the technology and financial landscapes globally. A lot of renowned names like IBM, JP Morgan, and even Facebook have ...

/inclusion /crypto

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Storage Solutions for NFTs to retrieve assets from the crypto pool | NFT Storage Solution

The recent explosion in the decentralized universe due to blockchain has invited a lot more than just opportunities. It has introduced a way of living for the next generation, which can genuinely mend the ways of Public and Private dealing according to the user’s needs. Blockchain leverages the vacant Hard Disk Drive (HDD) spaces to store the data...

/inclusion /crypto

Kim Engman

Kim Engman Senior Director at Tietoevry Banking

The implications of Central Bank Digital Currencies for everyday users and banks

As an abundance of private and alternative forms of money are moving into the currency space, central and commercial banks are being forced to reconsider their position. In this, the second of a two-part series, Kim Engman looks at the progress of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) including the different designs for CBDCs and how they might ...

/payments /crypto

Kim Engman

Kim Engman Senior Director at Tietoevry Banking

Why central banks are pushing digital currencies

In the first of a two-part series, Kim Engman explores why “suddenly” there is a new frontier in payments for central banks, called Central Bank Digital Currencies – or CBDCs. Money, as we know it, is in transition. Banknotes and coins are no longer accepted by many merchants; digital money crosses platforms and newly created private currencies hav...

/payments /crypto

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