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A place to share stuff that isn't at all fintec related but is amusing, absurd or scary.

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Human waste to plug extinct Auckland volcano

Auckland has come up with a novel plan for getting rid of hundreds of thousands of tonnes of human waste - use it to fill one of its many extinct volcanos, then turn it into a regional park. Sixty-one tonnes of the stuff will be dumped each week on the volcanic island of Puketuto. In a nice surreal touch, the local authorities say the island's ori...

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Crackberry addicts go cold turkey

Hardened Crackberry addicts in the US were forced to go cold turkey last night following an outage at Research in Motion’s network data center in Canada. The sudden blackout left users from Wall Street to Capitol Hill reeling. "I felt like my left arm had been amputated," Joe Shoemaker, communications director for Assistant Senate Democ...

/retail /wholesale

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Winterflood's bare-naked brokers promise Full Monty

This urge for City types to bare all in public is getting out of hand. No doubt inspired by the shameless exploits of the Team Bearing Bank tube video strippers, four brash young things from Winterflood are now threatening to get their kit off in return for donations to medical research charity Remedi. The Wins Fab Four, otherwise known as Mark B...

/retail /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Toadzilla stalks Oz

A cane toad the size of a small dog has been found down under. Nicknamed Toadzilla, the BBC reports that the feisty amphibian weighs in at a tad under a kilo and is the largest ever found in Australia's Northern territory. Or rather - largest so far. . .

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Satnav sends driver into river

This story from The Register of a driver who plunged her Mercedes worth knocking on a hundred grand into a river caught my eye. The driver ignored signs warning the track was unsuitable for motor vehicles and drove straight into something of a raging torrent. Why would someone do something apparently so daft? There is an experiment in psychology ...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Hi tech security defeated by choccies and winning smile

The strangest story of the last couple of days concerns the removal of over 14 million pounds worth of diamonds from a secure vault at ABN Amro in Antwerp. Possibly the biggest robbery carried out by a single person, The Independent reports that the gentleman thief was armed with a fake passport and chocolates, presumably real, which were used to ...


Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

CEBR bowls a googly with dodgy cricket stats

Apparently, the Cricket World Cup - which officially starts in the Caribbean on Tuesday 13 March - could hit UK productivity to the tune of £200 million. Those clever chappies at the Centre for Economic and Business Research have noticed that two of England’s matches, against New Zealand on 16 March and against Pakistan on 30 March, are on Friday a...

Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

Whales at risk as extreme boogy boarding craze sweeps oceans

Top science web site - Null Hypothesis - reports new risks facing whales and dolphins. A craze for high speed beaching exploits is putting the oceans cretaceans at risk. Competitive instincts to be the highest beacher are leaving whales stranded beyond the high water mark. This report may not be true. You may not find it funny. It is Friday.

Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

China readies remote controlled pigeon airforce

Chinese scientists* have learnt how to 'fly' a pigeon by implanting micro electrodes in the little fella's brains. Its not exactly Airbus a380... beep = up, beeeep = down, beeeeeeep = left... get the picture? Strangely, the Chinese can offer no practical use for this breakthrough technology. I can think of lots, mostly involving real world intera...

Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

Liposuctioned human ass-fat powers biodiesel boat

Even fintec guys care about the planet, right? So you might be interested in this glorious story picked up by Boing Boing about an powerboat taking part in Earthrace fuelled by a mix of biofuels and 'human ass-fat' (sometimes Americans are truly great at the English language). All the world's energy problems - and the developed world's obesity p...

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