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A place to share stuff that isn't at all fintec related but is amusing, absurd or scary.

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Fusion-io Will Revolutionise Many Processes - Its hot!

I admit to holding out. I see new stuff out there and immediately see the possibilities, but can't bring myself to blab immediately. Steve Wozniak (Apple founder) has gone back to work at a company I want to blab about. First I had to examine the possibilities, there are many, and even more I was tempted to keep silent. One smart bank has already ...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What do Canada, Iran and the Italian Mafia have in common?

A quick search on Google earlier today flagged up some puzzling results. While searching for an article about how Canada has managed to escape relatively unscathed from the financial meltdown, Google also helpfully (??) flagged up that others that have failed to suffer the economic plight are none other than Iran…and the Italian Mafia. At the ri...

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Save the children - The International gets an X rating

The New York Times does a good job of reviewing The International - a new zeitgeist-tapping movie that portrays the nefarious activities of a fictitious international bank dubbed IBBC. As the NYTimes reviewer wryly observes: "That multinational weapons manufacturers can be portrayed as more decent, civic-minded and principled than global fina...

/retail /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

10 or 100 Pounds, Contactless Makes No Sense

Unless of course you're flogging them. If it is secure - why the low limit? Of course if you allude that it is secure and ask the consumer they all want to appear bright by answering 'Convenience'. Unfortunately it is unlikely to be very convenient and even less so when the obvious happens. Ask the consumer - "They wouldn't introduce it if it...

/payments /retail

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Retired Member 

No Recession In Generosity Among Australians

If the level of generosity and sharing amongst Australians in response to the bushfires is anything to go by, we've really nothing to worry about. Donations of more than $31 million have already been made to the victim's appeals, and other countries including New Zealand and the US are generously providing assistance for what is to come next. An e...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Global Warming Is Manifesting Itself Quickly

I don't need to convince many Europeans that there is a change in the weather, and what we are experiencing in Australia is certainly enough to convince me. The weather is getting wilder. Sydney went from a four day 40 degree heatwave and the next day the temperature dropped 20 degrees Celcius to set a record drop. If that isn't enough to startle y...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Old Fashioned Risk In Million Dollar Armoured Car Robbery

Bold thieves wielding shotguns and wearing balaclava's robbed an armoured car refilling ATM's in Sydney of more than $1,000,000. The robbers held a shotgun to the throat of at least one guard as they returned from filling an ATM and somehow opened the vehicle to steal the money consisting of used notes. The robbery during early morning rush hour, ...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Australia's Bushfires - A Tragedy Of Government Ignorance

The scale of the Australian bushfires was overwhelming and tragic. Such serious loss of life could have been prevented. The fire's fury could be foreseen, and observed in progress, but for a total lack of preparedness and organisation on the part of government. We live in the 21st century where satellites orbit the earth constantly and fires are ea...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Half A Million Salary Limit For Bailed Out Bankers?

President Obama has reacted to the excess payments on Wall St by proposing to limit salaries to $500,000 for senior executives of banks which get a bail-out. It won't be retrospective, so those who have already received a bail-out can keep their bonuses. President Obama won't restrict the size of stock options as bonuses, however executives will n...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Aussie Treasurer and Reserve Bank Waking Up 1yr Too Late

It was almost a year ago that I called upon governments to get together and develop a plan for the crisis. They met but did nothing. Lights on at the Reserve Bank and no-one home, or at least nobody with a clue. My impression is that they are dinosaurs with little understanding of the world we live in. Living in the past. The Treasurer (especially ...

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