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A place to share stuff that isn't at all fintec related but is amusing, absurd or scary.

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A plethora of Siberian Goose Down Duvets to come?

An article in the Evening Standard the other evening on the way home said that bankers in the City would sue their firms if they were denied their bonuses. A gentle reminder of the definition of a bonus, (in case the pound signs have clouded logical thinking) is: “an extra payment in addition to wages; something extra”. Fundamentally that money i...

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Flying high: Ken Lewis stonewalls in style

Bank bosses just don't get it. BofA president Ken Lewis is once again in hot water after flying to a hearing in New York with Attorney General Andrew Cuomo on a luxury private jet. Lewis was there to answer questions about billion dollar bonus payouts to Merrill staff in December. Officials say he refused to supply the information Cuomo wanted, but...

/retail /wholesale

Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research


Following on from Paul's post, effigy burning is obviously a step much too far. Without question. But for those with a robust sense of humour (and that definitely includes my friends who work in banks), this shot - courtesy vxla on Flickr - did make me chuckle.

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Protestors hang banking effigy at 'family event'

This is getting serious. Following on from the politically-sanctioned banking witch trials in Parliament, demonstrators have hanged an effigy of a banker from Marble Arch in protest at the growing financial crisis. The Evening Standard reports that a group called the Government of the Dead dressed up as zombies for the demonstration. Scores of rev...

/retail /wholesale

Nick Hastings

Nick Hastings 

Charity Thames Walk

OK so this may not be entirely relevant to our usual content covered here on Finextra but I wanted to use my blog profile as a platform to share with the world (well based on our recent user figures we're getting towards the whole world!) the training for and subsequent charity walk I will do doing in April. So what am I doing? From 22 - 28 April ...

/payments /wholesale

Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

British Telecom Business Process Re-Engineering

British Telecom have been pushing people for years now to sign up for Direct Debit, charging extra if you don't sign up. However, if they wanted to keep their costs down then they could start closer to home. I got my latest Business Invoice dated 24th January. This week I got a "red reminder". When I checked my records I had paid them via...

Matt White

Matt White North America editor at Finextra

Jack Straw hit by hackers

Justice secretary Jack Straw is plastered all over the papers this morning after it emerged his hotmail account has been hacked by Nigerian scammers. The crims used the account to e-mail hundreds of Straw's contacts - including constituents, Labour party members and council bosses - claiming the MP was stuck in Lagos after losing his wallet. The e...

/security /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A Little Note On Blame... for the loss of confidence

It is difficult to swallow the idea that the media is responsible for the current loss of confidence. Perhaps a deepening might be accredited to media, but I think the worst news came in the form of the balance on that latest retirement account. The current situation was completely predictable and some foresaw it. It was one of the reasons I start...

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Shoot the messenger

A poll of CEOs at Fortune 1000 companies conducted by Frost & Sullivan has concluded that the global economic slump is all the fault of 'the media', which is twisting facts and exaggerating economic statistics in a desperate bid to sell more copies and attract more eyeballs. "Because of this, consumers and business have frozen spending, c...

/retail /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why does sorry seem to be the hardest word?

According to a recent article apologies matter to China. The focus of the article was on the Olympian swimmer Michael Phelps who addressed fans in China following photographs published of him smoking marijuana. He never specifically apologizes apparently but the intent is clear, according to his spokespeople. Hmm. Why do we not put a greater emphas...

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