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Public review: CEN E-invoicing Workshop Agreements CWAs

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The CEN E-invoicing III Workshop released its 3 draft CWAs. They are open for a 60 days period of public review until 9 October 2011. It is beautiful to see how these CWA's interlock with each other, the recent EC Communication, Decision and Directive and with the current European Interoperability Framework.

For legal professionals only: Model Interoperability Agreement
The full name is "Model Interoperability Agreement for Transmission and Processing of Electronic Invoices and other Business Documents". It is a beefy 32 pages legal document, intended for use on a bilateral basis between service providers processing and transmitting structured data in a “FOUR CORNER MODEL”.

You can give it a go at:

For service providers only: conformance criteria for interoperability
The full name of this draft CWA is "Conformance Criteria for Interoperability between Electronic Invoicing Services" This CWA is intended for the use of providers of e-invoicing services to third party customers. It contains 7 technology neutral criteria that will find their way into the Code of Practice CWA that should be presented later this year.

This Draft CWA is available at:

The real deal: Addressing and Routing
One of the main items for full scale e-invoicing adoption is addressing: to know who and where to deliver an invoice to. Adrian Mueller is the main author of this CWA. He is also the main author of the must read "Cyber-Identity: Unique Identification Systems For Organizations 745 And Parts thereof" (

Take a look at this CWA at:

The deadline for comment is 9 October 2011.


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