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Hot lady lights up e-invoicing

Now e-invoicing is not really a name on anyones lips but at EBA Day we heard that perhaps it should be. The session was not vastly populated but us hardy soul were perked up by the hot lady from Swed Bank livened everything up by demonstrating how her Bank have been providing e-invoicing since the mid nineties. It's now a big revenue earner and provides a model for all banks to follow as revenues are hit by SEPA.

She said that by 2020 all invoicing methods will be e-invoices and the following downstream payment benefits will accrue rapidly, lowering costs and risks in leaps and bounds.

Why are other countries not following this great show in Sweden? Is it because banks and other suppliers are dithering about and not getting leadership from governments?

I am getting a consistantly flashing message at EBA Day that countries operate efficient consumer services in financial markets when Governments actively push and promote change and usage.    


Comments: (2)

A Finextra member
A Finextra member 15 June, 2011, 17:40Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Anyone else think in this PC age that being described as a 'hot lady' is a little patronising?  Or flattering?  Just wondered.

Gary Wright
Gary Wright 15 June, 2011, 18:54Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

I am totally politically incorrect at all times but it was meant to be a really good compliment.

Gary Wright

Gary Wright


BISS Research

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EBAday is the annual event for European payments professionals organised by Finextra and the Euro Banking Association. This community has been created to deliver a forum for EBA delegates to exchange views on instant payments, open banking and new developments in payments processing and technology.

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