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SEC and CFTC clarify Swap Definitions but FX still fuzzy

The SEC yesterday released full definitions of Swaps here.

The CFTC also released a summary Q&A paper to clarify the SEC definitions for SWAPS which is available here. For the avoidance of doubt, the CFTC goes out of its way in the paper to clarify that amongst others, the following transactions are Swaps:

Foreign Exchange Swaps and Forwards, Foreign currency Options (not exchange traded), Non-Deliverable Forwards in FX (NDF), Commodity options, Cross -Currency Swaps, Forward Rate Agreements, Contracts for Difference, Swaptions, Forward Swaps.

The US Treasury Secretary still has until July to make a determination to exempt FX Swaps from Dodd Frank (see determination of Foreign Exchange swaps and forwards). If exempted, FX Swaps will not be required to trade on a SEF, although they may be required to clear via a recognised Central Clearing Counterparty (CCP), and will still be subject to the CFTC reporting rules as below.

Reporting Swaps in: However, the CFTC makes it clear that even if FX Swaps and FX fwds were exempt, they would still be subject to Swaps reporting requirements (to a swap data repository, or to the CFTC), and swaps dealers and major swaps participants would be subject to business conduct standards.

Plus all other FX products that meet the Swap definition remain subject to the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA), even if FX Swaps and Fwds are exempt, this would include Foreign Currency Options (other than traded on exchange) and Non-Deliverable Forwards.


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