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Walking the Talk....and keeping it simple

Here I was, baggage, family et al, in a new country, waiting to join my new employer. I was excited at the new career that I was about to chart out and was really looking forward to get to my new office, meet my new colleagues, get to know the team…I had to also attend to all the other pre-requisites to settling in a new place. Finding a house, getting my kids into the right school, making new friends…somewhere high up in the ‘to do’ list was ‘open a bank account’.


That was 12 months ago. As I look back, I have to confess that my banking relationship in the last 12 months has been fantastic. I am fortunately not part of that growing breed of ‘customers who have lost faith in their banks’. 12 months ago, every bank promised the best and most unique banking experience. The bank that I finally selected actually delivered on that promise. And how did they do that? Well, they simply walked the talk. In making me, their new customer, feel comfortable, they remembered to get the basics right…and they kept it simple. I was no high net worth customer but they certainly made me feel comfortable, wanted, special in their own small way. How often does that happen? Not very often, I can tell you. And it is not just with the bank. In a world where everyone is trying to keep their customers happy, the ones that succeed are the ones who walk the talk, for whom customer centricity is not just jargon but a core value, where customer interest is at the DNA of the organization, and…..vitally importantly, where technology complements culture.       


More on the last part, in my next post. I have to run to my bank now.


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