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Fantasy Formula 1

The Formula 1 season is well underway with some exciting events on and off the race track.

The newest team on the Grid, Brawn GP, have had the best opener that they could ever hope for, winning both grand prix! There is still the matter of their rear diffuser setup - is it legal? That decision will be made at Formula 1's Court of Appeal on 14th April in Paris. Also, what will happen to the McLaren team? Will they face further disciplinary charges after having been stripped of their points for their driver Hamilton's third place finish in Australia?

If you're thinking that you're too late to join in the fun with Finextra's Fantasy Formula 1, earning points with a chance to win a bottle of champange, then luckily, this isn't the case!!!!

For puropses of the Fantasy League, the first 2 grand prix have been classified as "practice runs" only - points will be reset and racing will begin in earnest at the Chinese Grand Prix on 19th April, (which is lucky for the Gibbon F1 team owned by David Hill at CQS!!).

Join us!

We've set up a mini league at Profantasy F1 2009. To join us go to and pick your team then use the ‘mini league admin' option to join the Finextra mini league.

The details you'll need are:

League Name: Formula Finextra
League password: fantasy

At the end of the season the winner will receive a bottle of champagne courtesy of Finextra.


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